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Hetalia Wiki

This is a list of minor characters in Hetalia. These characters do not have enough information about them to warrant individual wiki pages. Most of them have never appeared within the manga or anime and don't have designs, but they have been referenced in official materials such as the Gakuen Hetalia game or Himaruya's blog.

For the characters with substantive appearances in canon material, see: List of Hetalia Characters.

For pets, magical entities and deities, and other creatures, see: Creatures of Hetalia.

For human characters, see: List of Human Characters.


Many of the characters in this section have only been mentioned by other characters or by Himaruya as characters he would like to design but hasn't yet, or they have had very brief appearances but no further development.


Albania has no design and has only been mentioned in an early bio for Greece[1] and his relationships chart, where he says "Go home" and Albania says "Hehehe, good morning♬"[2]. Albania apparently finds Greece stylish and is always crowding his home, but Greece dislikes them and wishes they would leave[1][2]. In a blog post made during the 2013 Halloween event, Himaruya indicated that Eastern European countries like Albania might make brief appearances during the event, but they ultimately did not[3].


Andorra has no design but was briefly mentioned in a blog post from 2008, where Himaruya said that it "sounds like a very interesting country for making a character out of", citing that it was forgotten by France and has also declared war on Germany despite never taking part in any fights. He concluded that Andorra would be an interesting country to personify[4].


Castile was a character mentioned in a 2008 blog post as an older sister to Spain. Himaruya stated that while he had been thinking about a Castile character, it was still unclear to him as to when or if she would appear[5]. However, Himaruya seems to have either forgotten about this idea or decided against it, due to official art of a young Spain hinting at the Reconquista[6], one of his bosses being shown to have been Juana of Castile, and Castilian culture being the predominant culture of Spain. These facts among others indicate Spain may have represented Castile when he was younger. In Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 3, however, he was shown seemingly representing the Crown of Aragon. It is also possible that he was not born as one specific kingdom, but rather a representation of all Spanish peoples. Whether or not Himaruya still imagines there to be a Castile who is his older sister remains unknown.



Croatia as he appears in Mr. Turkey and the EU[7]

Croatia was introduced in the comic Mr. Turkey and the EU as an unnamed and bedraggled man with ruffled hair and stubble. In the comic, he asked to join the European Union and was immediately let in, then remarked on how easy it was to Turkey. He was not given a proper introduction, leading to fan speculation on his identity[7]. However, a few days before the comic was posted, Croatia had signed the treaty to become the 28th member of the European Union. Additionally, in a follow up blog post, Himaruya stated the nation was "the country that makes beautifully ornamented, heart-shaped biscuits and uses them as gifts and even sells them as souvenirs!" which is a practice done in Croatia[8]. Himaruya has not specifically said this character was in fact Croatia, but it is very strongly implied.

In a blog post made during the Halloween 2013 event, Himaruya indicated that Eastern European countries like Croatia might make brief appearances[9]. In the event, Croatia is indicated to be standing off panel near Bulgaria and Romania after Hungary locked them out of the main room[10]. He never appears, but it is possible he is one of the unnamed characters seen later in the event near Romania, Bulgaria, and Moldova[11]. Another blog post made during the event stated that for a while, Croatia had dark circles under his eyes and was an outlaw, but he started to care more about his appearance and "shifted into Eastern Europe's freshest and most handsome guy from his natural good looks" after tourism became more important. This post also included a drawing of a man that Himaruya said was not Croatia, but was a carefree Eastern European[12].


Malta has no design, but in a blog post from 2011, when asked by a fan about a Malta character, Himaruya listed them as one of the most frequently requested[13]. When asked again a month later, he referred to Malta as "quite refreshing"[14]. He has also spoken a bit about the country in general, saying that it is safe, has a nice climate, is popular for studying abroad for art, has a lot of interesting history especially with the Knights of Malta, and other tidbits[15][16][17].

It is unknown if Himaruya's Knights Hospitaller design would be the same person as Malta (the Sovereign Military Order of Malta is another name for the Hospitaller Knights), but it is probable, especially taking into account that Teutonic Knights became Prussia.

Knights Hospitaller

Kisidan2 (knights trio)

Knights Hospitaller between Teutonic Knights and Knights Templar[18]

Knights Hospitaller appeared in a drawing on Himaruya's blog alongside Knights Templar and Teutonic Knights. They are unlabeled and only in the background, but the style of the cross on their cloak is the same as the cross worn by the Hospitallers[18]. It is unknown if this character would be the same person as Malta(the Sovereign Military Order of Malta is another name for the Hospitaller Knights), but it is probable, especially taking into account that Teutonic Knights became Prussia.



Bulgaria and the man believed to be Serbia[19]

Serbia was mentioned in some additional drawings following the story The Students Who Can't Study! Modern Day Eastern Europe that Himaruya posted on his blog in November of 2014. In that comic strip, Bulgaria declares that he is finally independent and even managed to fend off Serbia when they attacked him. Bulgaria was shown standing triumphantly over another character. It is likely that this other character, who is shown to have dark hair, is Serbia, though this has not been outright stated. One of the unnamed characters in the comic also asked Romania if he should "rough up" Bulgaria, and he looks very similar to the supposed Serbia that Bulgaria was standing over. Another similar looking character appears again later, edging away from Romania as Romania asked if he wanted to hang out that day[19].

Vatican City

Vatican has not had a design debut, but has been mentioned by Himaruya several times. He is described as an annoying man who hangs around Italy[20] and is always fighting and making up with him[21]. Himaruya once described a time where Vatican got fed up with Italy's incompetence and shutting himself away, but then being forced to reconcile with Italy due to arrangements made by Italy's boss[22]. He was mentioned a character profile for Switzerland as having hired Switzerland as a mercenary in the past[23]. Vatican was also depicted in Chapter 27 of Hetalia: World☆Stars as being in a bad mood about the sale wars that happen at Christmas and questioning why people only think about money at that time of year[24]. It can be assumed that Vatican would also represent the historic Papal States.

Vatican hws27

Vatican's potential appearance in the manga[24]

In 2006, Himaruya mentioned a potential Vatican character that he definitely wanted to include in the future, describing him as an "old man character"[25]. In 2008, Himaruya stated that he was thinking about making Vatican an old man, though he was not sure what his personality would be like[21]. In a later post from the same year, he said that he originally had designed Vatican as an old man, but that he was thinking about instead making him a middle-aged man who thinks like an old man[22]. However, Chapter 27 of Hetalia: World☆Stars, a character that was Vatican referred to as "Mr. Vatican" was shown and appears to be much younger[24]. It is possible that Himaruya ultimately decided to make him younger to fit with the rest of the cast. It could also be that the "old man" descriptor was more of what he acted like rather that his actual appearance.

Himaruya has been working on a design for Vatican City for a long time, stating in 2008 that Vatican was actually one of the first characters he had designed for the original story. Though he ended up not appearing, Himaruya said that he can see the remnants of that original story in his notebook. He also explained that the Vatican is a country with a lot of interesting information related to Italy and that if he could come up with a story, he would like to include Vatican[22]. In a post from 2009, Himaruya mentioned again that he's been around since the beginning but never has gotten a chance to have him appear, and that he has notebooks filled with Vatican's face[20]. Vatican was also mentioned again in a 2011 blog post, where Himaruya listed him as someone who had been requested since the very early days of Hetalia[13].

Autonomous Regions

The characters in this section are personifications of European regions that have some self-governance but not considered sovereign countries.

Åland Islands

When asked if Åland would ever appear, Himaruya responded that he was unsure if they would appear, but that they were very unique. Some fans have theorized that Finland and Sweden's dog, Hanatamago, is Åland, but this is most likely not true though Himaruya did say that was a great idea when asked about it in 2008[26]. Åland later was mentioned by Finland and Denmark in the lyrics of the song "Always With You... Nordic Five!" along with the Faroe Islands and Greenland as being a member of the Nordics. It should be noted that although the Åland Islands are a current autonomous region of Finland, the vast majority of its population are ethnic Swedes, and it in fact was part of Sweden for centuries until it was ceded to Russia, along with Finland, in 1809[27]. Thus, this character would not be a relative of Finland.



The Greenland design that appeared on merchandise[28]

Greenland was seemingly introduced in a merchandise announcement[28], but they have not appeared in any official manga or blog posts. They have no confirmed gender and are pictured with shaggy hair and wearing knee high boots and a parka with a hood. Beside them is an animal that is most likely an arctic fox. They were previously mentioned by Denmark in the lyrics of the song "Always With You... Nordic Five!" as being a member of the Nordics along with the Faroe Islands and the Åland Islands.

Faroe Islands

Faroe has no design and has only been mentioned in the lyrics of the song "Always With You... Nordic Five!" by Denmark as being a member of the Nordics along with the Åland Islands and Greenland.

German States

These characters represent historical countries that became part of Germany with the unification and that exist in the modern day as its Federal States. In Osōji Prussia and the Hetalia☆Collezione, they are all confirmed as Germany's older brothers and other descendants of Germania. A note given by Himaruya states that all of Germany's siblings are "retired" and that they may die out and disappear over time due to no longer being active countries, having passed the duty and their skills on to Germany. It is ambiguous as to how many of these siblings are still alive (like in the case of Prussia) or which ones have died out, but it is likely that the ones that share names with current German states are still alive and represent those states. Two unidentified German States appeared in Chapter 516 of Hetalia: World☆Stars alongside Saxony and Bavaria.[29].


See: Bavaria


An older brother name-dropped by Prussia in the Osōji Prussia game[30]. Little is known about him, though Brandenburg is historically heavily tied to Prussia.


See: Hesse


An older brother name-dropped by Prussia in Osōji Prussia. Little is known about this brother other than his name being mentioned when Prussia attempted to count off all of Germany's older siblings[30].


See: Saxony



A micronation that was briefly name-dropped by Ladonia in Chapter 496 of Hetalia: World☆Stars. Nothing is known about the character other than that they attended the 2023 MicroCon[31].

Unidentified Nations

Throughout the The Students Who Can't Study! Modern Day Eastern Europe comic, there are a few unnamed characters who could possibly be intended to be some other Balkan nations. Mostly they are seen as observers to the interactions between or interacting with Romania and Bulgaria. There are no specific clues to who any of them are, though it is strongly speculated that the dark haired character is Serbia, especially because of his hair and line wondering if he should "rough up" Bulgaria[19].

Another unknown character showed up in a blog comic about how Romania and Bulgaria are treated by the EU, thinking "As long as it's not those two..." about them[32]. This could be a non-nation character, but it could also be an EU country that has not appeared yet, such as Malta or Slovenia. Additionally, in a 2013 blog post Himaruya posted a drawing of a man that he said was not Croatia, but was a carefree Eastern European[12].

In a 2014 blog post where Himaruya posted initial sketches of the other United Kingdom brothers, there was another drawing included of a character with dark hair, an eyepatch, and the same thick eyebrows. They were referred to as "probably an idiot"[33]. It is unknown who they are intended to be but based on their eyebrows they could be another relative to England, potentially Cornwall or one of the Crown Dependencies.


Many of the characters in this section have only been mentioned by other characters or by Himaruya as characters he would like to design but hasn't yet, or they have had very brief appearances but no further development.


In the anime adaption of China's Age of Exploration, the extended explanation said that China got a giraffe from Bengal on his travels (though this is not said in the manga comic)[34]. Considering the time period, this character is likely a personification of the Bengal Sultanate. It is unclear if they would also represent Bangladesh as well.

Golden Horde


Golden Horde in The First Time the Poland Rule Was Used![35]

Golden Horde, also known as Ulus of Jochi and Tatar, is a male character who has so far only appeared in Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 3. He was first mentioned in the comic Yoke of the Tatars, where young Russia tells young Lithuania that being under Tatar rule is hard[36]. He briefly appears as a cameo in the comic Eastern Europe While Totally Being Pushed Around by Poland! when Hungary explains to Lithuania about the 'surrounding idiots' in the area[37] and in The First Time the Poland Rule Was Used! when Lithuania's boss contemplates on the potential enemies, which he noted the Golden Horde's unstoppable expansion[35]. He appears in the anime adaptations of both comics, Episode 92 and Episode 95 respectively .For a while, fans had speculated that he was the same person as Mongolia, just being referred to with another name. However in a 2015 blog post, Himaruya stated that he was in fact a different person than Mongolia and was part of Mongolia's family[38].


Perusi (persia and child)

Persia and a child speculated to be Iran[39]

Though Iran has not been mentioned by name, they have been inexplicitly referenced. In 2014, Himaruya was asked whether Persia was a grandfather, and he responded that just like Rome, Persia has many descendants (both adopted and actual blood relations). In this blog post, Persia was also drawn with another character who can only be seen from the back of their head[39]. It is suspected that this may be Iran, which is the main modern country that derives itself from Persia. Some fans speculate that Persia himself is Iran, however it is unknown if that is true.


In response to a fan's story that they had heard of how the flag of Hungary came to be, Himaruya mentioned that Turkey and Kyrgyzstan had similar origin stories to their flags as the story the fan told. The character themself was not specifically mentioned[40].


Mongolia ep104

Mongolia as they appear in Russia and Friends

Mongolia first appeared as a small chibi sketch in The Story about the Early Days of China and Japan[41], where they were presumably a child. They were seen again as a chibi sketch again in ''Asian Scribbles or Something'' with the rest of the Asian nations[42]. A younger Mongolia also appeared, with their face hidden in shadow, in the comic Russia and Friends from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 4 as one of several nations who was chasing and bullying young Russia. They were described as pursuing Russia every day, and was not affected by the attack of General Winter[43]. They were also depicted in Russia and Friends, the anime episode adapting the comic. Mongolia has dark hair tied in a braid (or two), wears a hat/helmet worn by medieval Mongolians, and is usually pictured with a bow and arrow. Their gender is unspecified but many fans depict them as male. It should also be noted that Mongolia and Golden Horde are not the same person, but Golden Horde is a member of Mongolia's family[38].

In the unfinished script for Gakuen Hetalia, Hungary gets very angry thinking about Mongolia[44], and it is mentioned on a character profile for Hungary that she loathes them[45]. It is specified in a 2007 blog post that Mongolia attacked her in the 13th Century and that the inside of her country took much damage, and an accompanying drawing of young Hungary shows Mongolia's hand tugging on her hair[46]. They were also noted to have occupied Hungary in a time period that would make you think "Good luck, Hungary!"[47] Mongolia seems to have bullied China as well, as Himaruya said in a 2006 blog post that thought the story of China being bullied by Mongolia "might be cute"[25]. Mongolia has also been mentioned as having dominated Russia and made China cringe, and also having had a personality change described as "surprising", though it is unknown as to whether this personality change was a change in their personality over the course of their life or Himaruya changing his mind about it[48]. It is possible that it was the latter that he meant, as despite stating in a blog post in May of 2008 that he had decided on a character for Mongolia[49], he stated later the same year that he used to see Mongolia as a wild character but he had recently been thinking of them as more of a nonchalant person, and couldn't decide which to go with. Himaruya also said that this likely meant it would take a while to introduce them[50].


A character only seen by name on a list that Sealand was keeping of countries who did not have the mark the Parallel Nations were looking for in the 2010 Christmas event[51].

North Korea

North Korea was first mentioned in a blog post by Himaruya in 2006. When a fan asked if the character would be male and South Korea's twin brother, Himaruya replied that he tentatively thought of North Korea as being South Korea's younger twin brother and that he had a more aloof personality. He was also described as being timid but not a "crybaby", similar to Italy, as well as being a quiet child who plays musical instruments and has a bit of a dark side. Himaruya also stated that he wished he could write about them in an extra chapter[52]. It is unknown, but probably unlikely, that North Korea will ever be introduced.


Pakistan was first mentioned on a list kept by Sealand in the 2010 Christmas event of countries who did not have the mark that the Parallel Nations were searching for, though they were never seen[51]. They were mentioned again in response to a fan question asking if Pakistan and Bangladesh would be personified, to which Himaruya responded that Pakistan was probably also dancing at the Halloween party and was somewhere in the back having thoughts like "That bastard..." in regards to India. He also said that if you study Indian history, there are many great interactions between India and Pakistan[53].

Ryukyu Islands

Himaruya mentioned the Ryukyu Islands (of which Okinawa is a part) along with Australia in a 2008 blog post, saying that he had initially didn't have plans to draw them, but that they were likely to be added. Himaruya also expressed that he thought the two would have very contrasting personalities[54]. In 2010 he mentioned Ryukyu again, stating that he originally hadn't planned to make him appear, but then added that he had recently met someone who studies Okinawa and that person taught him a lot, and that he had gone to a party with Okinawan people who told him about legends and interesting information about Okinawa. He finished by saying it would be interesting to introduce Ryukyu, and listed the things he had learned[55].


Ternate was mentioned by Netherlands in his battle against Portugal in Chapter 84 of Hetalia: World☆Stars. During the battle, Netherlands summons his "elite Dutch armada" from Ternate[56]. As only the name was mentioned, it is possible that Netherlands was simply referencing a place rather than a character. If Ternate is intended to be a character, is unknown whether they also represent the modern Indonesian island of Ternate in addition to the historical Sultanate of Ternate.



Tibet in The Story about the Early Days of China and Japan[41]

Tibet is depicted as a young, bald monk, and he first appeared in the comic The Story about the Early Days of China and Japan. In the comic, he was shown carrying some sort of tablet and approaching China and Japan. They greet each other and China then introduces him to Japan. When Tibet asked if the two are related, China replies that yes Japan is his little brother. However, Japan goes over to Tibet and tells him that's not true[41]. In the anime adaptation of this comic, he was replaced with a talking panda. He also appeared as a chibi in Asian Scribbles or Something[42], and was described in a 2007 blog post as being "variously pitiful"[46].

United Arab Emirates

When asked about personifications of Arabic nations, Himaruya stated that he finds the United Arab Emirates interesting, and envisions him as something like a man with an abnormal charm[57].

Chinese Provinces

These characters do not have official designs, but have been briefly seen and/or mentioned. Following the 2010 Christmas Event, several provinces texted China to respond to seeing pictures (presumably the ones that Hong Kong took) of him crossdressing. Fujian said "I laughed.", Sichuan said "That was strange but I approve.", Jiangsu said "Dress like that for the Lunar New Years' Party!!", Hebei asked "What exactly happened...", and Henan said "You looked surprisingly cute in that." [58]

The provinces have also appeared briefly as chibis in the 2011 Halloween Event, though Fujian was the only one labeled. China, Hong Kong, and Macau had just come from the chaotic "Big Chinese Meeting", and several unlabeled provinces were seen fighting, while Fujian was asleep on a desk[59]. The provinces of Guangdong and Liaoning have been mentioned by China in Hetalia Fantasia 2, where he stated that they can make anything out of the game's items[60]. Some unnamed provinces also appeared in the comic A Wise Man has No Specialty from Comic Birz 8/Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 5. Though they are unnamed, it is said that the provinces are all unique individuals who are part of China's household and are like disciples to him, though they don't work well together[61].

Japanese Prefectures

Himaruya has created designs for many, but not all, of the Japanese prefectures. Many of these designs closely resemble a character from Himaruya's earlier webcomics and some of those earlier characters may have served as inspiration for that prefecture. Most of these characters have only appeared as chibis on his blog, though a couple have had cameos in comics. Ōsaka and Kyōtō are the only prefectures which have had substantive appearances. The physical ages of the prefectures are unknown, but many seem to be teenagers because they are wearing school uniforms. Some also are more likely to be young adults. In addition, the genders of a few of the prefectures are not clear. These characters are the subordinates and likely relatives of Japan.

See the gallery below for images.

Hokkaidō Region


Hokkaidō is depicted as a young man with dark hair, wearing a cowboy hat and a vest with a collared shirt underneath. He appears to own a pet calf[62]. His design is similar to the character Iyuta Nibutani from the series Advance! Kitakou Broadcasting Club Pure.

Tōhoku Region


Aomori is depicted as a young man with black hair with a small ahoge and fringe swooping to the right side of his face, and brown eyes. He is wearing a black gakuran, a beige jacket, and black shoes. He is holding an apple, which Aomori is known for, and a spotted cat. Himaruya noted that he is strong and calm, loves hot springs, and that once you get to know him you'll be able to smile and talk about various things together[63]. His design is similar to the character Ringo Tsugaru from the series Advance! Kitakou Broadcasting Club.


Akita is depicted as a young woman with long, dark brown hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a black serafuku with black tights and white shoes and is holding a namahage mask. Himaruya described her as a tall and beautiful girl who spends her time relaxing in the fertile land and quiet townscape. He also brings up the very sad legends related to Akita's lakes[63]. In response to a fan asking if Akida would be a big sibling who likes to drink, Himaruya said that she was a fortuitous type of person, but that that could work as well[64].


Iwate is depicted as a young woman with long, light brownish hair with bangs and brown eyes. She is wearing a beige beret and two small star shaped clips in her hair, a more Western looking uniform with a beige jacket and dark green skirt, black shoes, white socks, and is holding a book of some kind. A small red kappa is clinging to her skirt (a lake in Iwate is the most famous spot where kappa supposedly can be found). Though kappas are usually green, it is a common idea that the kappa of Tōno, Iwate are red). Himaruya said he was thinking she would be a book-loving girl with an Ihatov-esque romanticism, but that he also wanted to make her a bit more airy. She also loves tofu[63].


Miyagi is depicted as a young man with light-colored hair with a strand the top of his head that swoops up, brown eyes, and thick eyebrows. He is wearing a dark grey or black jacket and black tie, plaid black and white pants, and black shoes; a seemingly more Western type of uniform. He also has cape with a pattern of circles near its bottom edge and over-the-ear headphones. In one hand, he is carrying a sword that seems to be a katana, and in the other he is holding a plate of zunda-mochi. Himaruya said that he tried to make him seem sociable and lively[63].


Yamagata is depicted as a young woman with black hair styled in a bob with bangs, with the right side held back with a white hair clip. She is wearing a white apron with a dark cherry symbol in the corner covering an outfit with dark sleeves, black tights, white shoes, and has a white tenugui with a small flower on it in her hair. She is also wearing black oven mitts and carrying a pot full of imoni, a dish that Yamagata is known for. Himaruya described her as a simple girl who works diligently, has a cute smile and loves imoni and konnyaku[63].


Fukushima is depicted as a young man with black hair, sideburns, brown eyes, and thick eyebrows. He is wearing a black tracksuit/school gym uniform with red and yellow accents with rolled up sleeves, and black shoes. He is also carrying a small pig. He is described by Himaruya as being bad at standing out, not being able to say witty things right away, being baffled when people come to visit, and admiring Tōkyō and Sendai[65]. Himaruya also stated that Fukushima was the origin of this series of drawings and that he eats nattō a lot and has a lot of interaction with Yamaguchi[63].

Kantō Region


Gunma is depicted as a young woman with black hair pulled into high pigtails, bangs, and brown eyes. She is wearing a dark green serafuku, a white jacket, and a dark tie, white shoes and socks, and has a flower pin in her hair. She seems to be holding yaki manju, a steamed cake with miso paste on the outside and filled with red bean paste on the inside. She is accompanied by a tanuki and a daruma doll. According to Himaruya she is a caring and good natured big sister type[63].


Tochigi is depicted as a young man with short brown hair, brown eyes, and an X-shaped scar on his left cheek. He is wearing gray pants, a white shirt, a yellow jacket, white shoes, and a quiver of arrows. He is holding a plate of gyoza and has a small sleeping cat figurine on his head, a reference to the nemuri-neko sculpture. There is a monkey perched on his arm and holding strawberries. Due to the quiver, it is possible he is an archer. According to Himaruya, Tochigi has strong roots and although he is rich in tourist resources, he is modest in self-assertiveness[63].


Ibaraki is depicted as a young man with orange hair with his bangs pinned up, brown eyes, glasses, and thick eyebrows. He seems to resemble Junsa Mito from the series Advance! Kitakou Broadcasting Club. He is wearing blue gray pants, a white shirt with a black tie, a brown jacket, and black shoes. He is accompanied by an anglerfish and is holding two other objects that are difficult to identify but have something to do with the prefecture's culture. He is described by Himaruya as being a refreshing young man with a cool and bold look[63].


Chiba is depicted as a young person with short orange-brown hair and brown eyes. They are wearing gray pants, a white shirt, a green jacket, a bolo tie, and black shoes, and are holding a boshu uchiwa fan in one hand. In the other hand, they hold a bouquet of flowers, and they have flowers surrounding them as well. They are also accompanied by two peanut mascots, as Chiba is known for peanuts. Chiba's gender is more ambiguous than other prefectures, as have a feminine face and also seemingly appear to have breasts, but they have very short hair and are wearing pants unlike the other female prefectures. According to Himaruya, Chiba is friendly and a little sleep deprived[63].


Saitama is depicted as a young man with short orange hair and light brown eyes. He is wearing brown pants, a brown jacket, a white shirt with a smiley face on it, a black hat with ears, and black shoes. He is also holding a leek, which are farmed in the prefecture, and carrying a messenger bag with sweet potatoes flying out of it He is also accompanied by an animal, that is perhaps a rabbit, wearing a robe and holding a fan[63].


Tōkyō is depicted as a young man with short dark hair, brown eyes, thick eyebrows, and a bandage of some kind on his forehead. He is wearing gray pants, a white shirt, a blue jacket with black trim on the sides and black and white checkerboard trim on the bottom edge, and sandals. There is something that looks like a slingshot tucked into his waistband, and he is holding a bowl of what seems to be monjayaki in one hand and chopsticks and other utensils in the other. He is accompanied by a cat holding something that looks like a feather or leaf in its mouth. Himaruya said that he tried to emphasize Tōkyō culture in his design, and that his money probably won't last through a night out[63]. He also made a brief appearance in Chapter 520 of Hetalia: World☆Stars[66].


Kanagawa is depicted as a young man with short brownish orange hair and brown eyes. He is wearing light gray pants, a white v-neck sweater over a button-down with a tie, a blue jacket, and black shoes, which all resemble a school uniform. There is a seagull perched on his arm and he is holding a bouquet of pink flowers and a pink and white inner tube. Himaruya stated that he was thinking of making him look more active, but instead decided to make him look like a more traditional and handsome guy who loves the ocean. He is also full of very unique cities that cause him to be busy every day[63].

Chūbu Region

The rest of the prefectures in this region have not been given designs.


Ishikawa is depicted as a young man with black hair and brown eyes. He is wearing blue-gray pants, a matching kacket, a white shirt, black tie, and black shoes, and is holding a red cape/cloth and a bowl of something. He is accompanied by some sort of rodent-like animal. According to Himaruya, his singing/chanting falls from the sky[63]. He seems to resemble Noto Kanazawa (aka: "Noto-sama") from Advance! Kitakou Broadcasting Club, but has a more serious and mature impression.


Fukui is depicted as a young woman with long black hair with bangs, brown eyes, and glasses. She is wearing a black serafuku and white flat shoes. She is accompanied by an echizen gani snow crab that is holding a few yellow flowers between its claws, and she is holding a plate of habutae mochi. Himaruya described her as a strong-willed, hardworking girl who doesn't seem to have many weaknesses[63].


Toyama is depicted as a young man with short black hair, brown eyes, and glasses. He is wearing beige pants, a white shirt, a gray jacket, a black and white striped tie, and black shoes. He also has a bracelet/watch on his left wrist and tied around his head is what seems to be a white tenugui with two black stripes. He is holding a trio of pink tulips and is accompanied by what looks to be a Japanese serow. Himaruya described him as a hardworking craftsman who is willing to go to great lengths to get things done[63].


Niigata has not received a design, but Himaruya stated that Niigata is a place with a lot of beautiful everyday buildings and people who are always kind, and that he wants the character to reflect that[63].

Kansai Region


Mie is depicted as a young man with black hair and brown eyes. He is wearing navy/dark gray pants and a matching jacket, a white shirt, a black tie, black shoes, and a red scarf. He is holding a bag and are accompanied by a maneki neko and a lobster that is holding a bowl of udon. There is also a plate of what seems to be akafuku wagashi resting on his head[63].


Shiga is depicted as a boy with short light orange hair, brown eyes, and thick eyebrows. He is wearing black pants, a white shirt with another white shirt over it, a teal scarf, and white shoes. There is an orange leaf resting on top of his head and a small fish next to his leg. He is holding on to a large tanuki plush[63].


See: Kyōtō


Wakayama is depicted as a young woman with short brown hair with bangs and a small ponytail held with a clip resembling two mikan oranges. She is wearing a green dress with a white shirt on underneath, a thin red tie tied in a bow, a white waist apron, white shoes, and white socks. She is holding cabbages in her apron and is accompanied by a green bird. Behind her is some sort of red and white object[63].


Nara is depicted as a young man with blonde hair with the left part of his bangs held back with some clips, and brown eyes. He is wearing dark green pants, a white shirt, and a lime green jacket with dark green trim. He has an orange on his head and is holding a paintbrush and what looks to be a paper or panel of some kind to write on. He is accompanied by a deer and there is a type of red fish floating next to him[63].


See: Ōsaka


Hyogo is depicted as a young man with light brown hair with an ahoge in the back and fringe swept to the left over his forehead, thick eyebrows, and brown eyes. He is wearing blue and white plaid pants, a white shirt, a gray tie, a brown jacket, and white shoes; seemingly a school uniform. He is holding an orange flower in one hand and a bowl of what Himaruya confirmed to be akashiyaki[67]. He is accompanied by a striped animal, possibly a tanuki, with a small cake on its head. Himaruya stated that he imagines Hyōgo would looks good in both Japanese and Western clothing because it is a multifaceted place[63]. Hyōgo also appears in the Cuba's WBC comic from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 4, watching the World Baseball Classic with the other prefectures. He said that everyone is pumped about the game, and then when Ōsaka points out that not everyone is there, he agrees[68].

Kantō Region

The other prefectures in this region have not been given official designs.


Shimane is depicted as a young woman with long, dark hair with bangs and styled in a low ponytail tied with a bow. She also has a curled ahoge coming from where the ponytail is tied. She is wearing a light-colored skirt, a light-colored shirt, a bowtie, a dark blazer, and dark shoes, which seems to resemble a more Western style school uniform. She is holding what could possibly be a teabag, perhaps a reference to Shimane's tea culture, and is accompanied by a cat, which may be a reference to Shimane's mascot, Shimanekko. By her feet there is also a ball that could be a foot/soccer ball, and drawn next to her head is a fish korokke. Her chibi was not found in an actual blog post, rather it was posted in the Kitayume gallery (which is now only accessible through archive sites such as the Wayback machine due to the host site shutting down in 2019)[69]. She was also not labeled as Shimane in this post, but who she is was later revealed in a blog post where Himaruya was asked who the chibi girl with a curly ponytail and fish korokke was. Here, Himaruya provided a drawing of her head and said that it was a potential design of Miss Shimane but he might change her a bit[70].


Yamaguchi has not received a chibi, however they have been seen in a blog post where Himaruya mentioned how people from the tourist association of Kagoshima and Yamaguchi went to Aizu, Fukushima to promote tourism in Fukushima. This information was accompanied with a drawing of Himaruya's design for Kagoshima and another figure likely intended to be Yamaguchi holding up a banner. In this drawing, Yamaguchi has dark hair styled in a bob and bangs[71]. It is also said that Yamaguchi has a lot of interaction with Fukushima[63].

Shikoku Region


Tokushima is depicted as a young man with black hair and light-ish eyes. He is wearing blue pants, a black jacket, a white and blue scarf, and black shoes. He seems to be more stern looking than many of the other prefectures, and his suit is also less school-like compared to other male prefectures wearing similar clothing. He is accompanied by a white crane with a sudachi on its head, and he is holding an unknown cylindrical object. According to Himaruya, his hair is a bit wavy[63].


Kagawa is depicted as a young man with short brown hair, brown eyes, and a bandaid across his nose. He is wearing green pants rolled up to his knees, a white undershirt with a black spot on it, a white shirt, and sandals. He is accompanied by some sort of blob and is holding a bowl of what is possibly Sanuki udon or an-mochi zoni[63].


Ehime is depicted as a young man with black hair and brown eyes. He is wearing a black gakuran, a black school uniform hat, a black cape, and black shoes. Under his hat his hair is noted to be parted in the middle. There is an orange floating near his head and he is holding a botchan dango stick, both of which are things the prefecture is known for. In his other hand he is holding an object that looks like potentially a book tied with string, and is accompanied by a small animal that looks like a rodent[63].


Kōchi is depicted as a young woman with long black hair with bangs and two small strands being held with bow clips, and brown eyes. She is wearing a purple serafuku and sandals, and she seems to have long legs. She is accompanied by a goat, and beside her is a boushi pan, a piece of bread shaped like a hat that Kōchi is known for. Himaruya stated that he drew her with Hachikin in mind[63].

Kyūshū Region


Fukuoka is depicted as a young man with brownish orange hair with a curved v-shaped ahoge and brown eyes. He is wearing brown pants with a design on one of the legs, a white shirt, a black tie, and black shoes. He is accompanied by a small green bird, perhaps a reference to the Saiban'inko mascot, and he has what looks like possibly a red boshu uchiwa fan sticking out of his back pocket[63]. According to Himaruya, he is someone who loves festivals[72].


Saga is depicted as a young man with black hair, dark brown eyes, thick eyebrows, a bandage across his nose, and a necklace seemingly shaped like one half of the yin and yang symbol. He is wearing a navy or dark gray gakuran and black shoes, is holding a katana, and has two fish flying around him[63]. Himaruya has stated that he tried to make Saga look serious[72].


Nagasaki is depicted as a young woman with long black hair in low pigtails and bangs, and brown eyes. She is wearing a dark blue skirt and vest with a white shirt underneath, a black tie, black shoes, and white socks; seeming to resemble a school uniform. She is accompanied by a suppon turtle, which are farmed in the prefecture, and is holding a red lantern in one hand and a plate with a castella cake[63].


Ōita is depicted as a young man with black hair and brown eyes. He is wearing green pants, a black undershirt, a white shirt, black shoes, and a tan hat. He is holding a kabosu citrus and behind him there is a cat holding a fish[63]. Himaruya has said this is the cat that appears in the tricks of Kicchomu-san, a character from Japanese folklore, and that Ōita's design contains two hidden motifs[72].


Miyazaki is depicted as a young woman with short, wavy, light brown hair with bangs, and brown eyes. She is wearing a tan skirt, a white shirt, a black tie, sandals, and a large star shaped clip in her hair. She is holding an ice cream cone in one hand and there is a green creature wearing a flower crown perched on her head[63]. According to Himaruya, she has a sunny disposition because Miyazaki has the longest daylight hours in Japan[72].


Kumamoto is depicted as a young man with brownish red hair, brown eyes, and a bandage on his left cheek. He is wearing dark pants, a white shirt messily tucked in, a tie, and black shoes. He has his jacket slung over his right shoulder, is holding an object in his hand, and is pulling a wheeled object with a string attached to his belt[63]. According to Himaruya, the object floating in the air next to him is a jindaiko, and the dog is a Higo wolf dog[72].


Kagoshima is depicted as a young man with black hair, brown eyes, and a bandage on his forehead. He is wearing black pans, a white shirt, a black jacket, and light colored shoes. He is holding what seems to be a cup of shirokuma shaved ice and is resting on a katana with his other hand. He is accompanied by a Kagoshima Berkshire pig[63]. According to Himaruya, he is intended to be a reliable, trustworthy person[72]. Kagoshima has also been seen in a blog post where Himaruya mentioned how people from the tourist association of Kagoshima and Yamaguchi went to Aizu, Fukushima to promote tourism in Fukushima. This information was accompanied with a drawing of Himaruya's design for Kagoshima holding up a banner with a character who is presumed to be Yamaguchi[71].

Okinawa Region


Okinawa has not received a chibi drawing, but did appear in the Cuba's WBC comic from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 4. While all the other prefectures were watching the World Baseball Classic together, Okinawa was somewhere else excitedly watching a local high school baseball game instead. In this comic, Osaka also seems to describe Okinawa as "the hyper person who always dances". It is unknown if the two other people with Okinawa are other prefectures or human characters or which person in the panel is Okinawa[68]. It is also unknown whether Okinawa and Ryukyu Islands are the same character. There is also an omake page in this volume (one of the Hetalia-like Column ~World (?) Cuisine~ pages) which seems to depict the same girl with a flower in her hair that appears in the background of Cuba's WBC, along with paragraph explaining that there is a German cake that is very popular in Okinawa. Therefore, it is possible this girl is Okinawa, though this is not known for sure[73].

Unknown Prefectures

Two unknown prefectures have appeared in one of Himaruya's blog posts. It is not said who they are intended to be, only that they are rough sketches of prefectures. One of them is depicted with a small skiing man and holding a snowman, so it is likely this character represents a prefecture known for skiing, such as Nagano or Niigata. The other character has less distinguishable characteristics, but does seem to be female[74].

Japanese Feudal Domains (Han)

These characters have appeared in the unfinished comic The World at War and the Fool of Owari, representing a few of the clans of feudal Japan, and each design is inspired by a character from one of Himaruya's previous webcomics. While Aizu and Mito made cameo appearances in a previous story, Black Ships Have Come!, the other three have only appeared in this unfinished story, though Owari is the only one involved in the actual story so far (Kanazawa and Sendai only appear in the footnote). However, Himaruya later released designs for personifications of Japan's modern prefectures that do not bear any resemblance to these characters, except for Ōsaka, who represents both the modern prefecture and Ōsaka during the feudal era, and presumably before as well. Due to the unfinished status of The World at War and the Fool of Owari, it is uncertain if Kanazawa and Sendai are still intended as canon or if the character notes about them still apply. The current status of Aizu and Mito is also unknown.


Aizu Sketch


A character representing the Aizu Domain, which is now the westernmost of the modern Fukushima Prefecture's three regions. The basis for his design is the character Homare Aizu from the series Barjona Bombers. His first appearance was in the comic Black Ships Have Come~ where he calls Mito behind the times and suggested that the Japanese find a way to get coexist with the Westerners, though he is chewed out for this idea by Mito[75]. He also appears in the anime adaptation of the comic. He is described as very serious and loyal, but too hard-headed to keep up with the changing times. He also was very persistent about fighting until the very end in the Boshin War, but because Sendai dragged him down he was eventually defeated by his sister Miharu. He then was defeated and fell into poverty[76].


Kanazawa Sketch


A character representing the Kanazawa (Kaga) Domain, which is now the Ishikawa Prefecture. The basis for his design is the character Noto Kanazawa from the series Advance! Kitakou Broadcasting Club, and it appears that Kanazawa is modeled after his earlier personality and appearance (dubbed "White Noto"). He is described as being a bit moody and depressed due to all the rain in his land, and that he would rather look at and create artwork and compose poetry rather than fight. It is alos said that his pride and joy are his atmospheric towns[76]. It is uncertain, but possible, that he went on to represent the Ishikawa Prefecture, which Kanazawa was renamed to in 1869. Both designs are based on Noto Kanazawa and have similar appearances.


Mito Sketch


A character representing the Mito Domain, which was in the central part of the modern Ibaraki Prefecture. The basis for his design is the character Junsa Mito from the series Advance! Kitakou Broadcasting Club. His first appearance was in the comic Black Ships Have Come~ where he becomes angered at the idea of making peace with Western powers and wants no part with interacting with the foreigners, and then gets mad at Aizu's suggestion to coexist with them[75]. He also appears in the anime adaptation of the comic. He is described as a logical, spirited, and grouchy man with a very large ego and a bad temper, though he'll forget about his anger the next day. He also has a strong sense of justice, and if it runs out of control he'll end up causing trouble[76]. Though the city of Mito is the capital of the Ibaraki Prefecture, it is unknown if Mito went on to be the representative of Ibaraki, though it is a potential as both he and Himaruya's design for Ibaraki share some similar features and both resemble the character Junsa Mito.


see: Ōsaka


Owari Sketch


A character representing the Owari Domain, which is now the western half of the modern Aichi Prefecture. The basis for her design is the character Miyako Owari from the series Advance! Kitakou Broadcasting Club, though Miyako's hair is long and blonde while this Owari's hair is dark and held up in a bun. Still, she retains the red hairclips that Miyako wears as accessories in her hair. She is described as being individualistic, candid, good at inventing strange foods, and very vocal about money and food. She always goes at her own pace and doesn't get swept along with others, rather she is often left out by the other han due to her weird personality and disinterest in conforming to everyone else. It is also said that she has a complicated relationship with Mikawa (a former province that is now the eastern half of the Aichi Prefecture). In the unfinished The World at War and the Fool of Owari comic, she urges Japan to stay away from Oda Nobunaga, the future ruler, as she finds him to be a disgrace[76].


Sendai Sketch


A character representing the Sendai Domain, which is now the Miyagi Prefecture. The basis for her design is the character Hagina Sendai from the series Barjona Bombers. She is described as useless and being the "Italy" of Japan, and it is said that she goes home from battles early when lunch doesn't come to her[76]. Though Sendai was renamed to Miyagi in 1871, it is unlikely that she went on to represent Miyagi or that this design is still considered to be canon due to the fact that Himaruya's design for Miyagi is male and shares no resemblance to her.


British Hills

In response to a fan who asked if following the appearance of Niko Niko there would soon be a personification for the British themed Fukushima resort British Hills and if they would have splendid eyebrows like England's, Himaruya described the potential character as possibly being stylish, very hospitable, and sort of having the distinctive eyebrows[77].

Kowloon Walled City

Kowloon Walled City does not have a design and has only been mentioned in a response to a fan asking if there would be a character for it. Himaruya said that he thought Kowloon would be a chaotic and dirty character[78].


Many of the characters in this section have only been mentioned by by other characters or by Himaruya as characters he would like to design but hasn't yet, or they have had very brief appearances but no further development. Several were introduced in Gakuen Hetalia, but they have not been mentioned or seen since.


Botswana has no confirmed gender and has only been shown as a "chibi" head illustration in the incomplete demo for the Gakuen Hetalia game as a part of the Africa class of W Academy with Seychelles. They are depicted with brown skin and dark blonde hair in a ponytail and introduced themself as a former English territory[44]. In the demo they also state that they believe they can cook seswaa (the national dish of Botswana) the best and that they enjoy weaving baskets and beading things.


Cabinda appeared in the incomplete demo for the Gakuen Hetalia game as a part of the Africa class of W Academy with Seychelles, but they have no design. They introduced themself as a former Portuguese territory[44]. The real life Cabinda is an exclave and province of Angola.

(Democratic Republic of the) Congo

Congo appeared in the incomplete demo for the Gakuen Hetalia game as a part of the Africa class of W Academy with Seychelles, but they have no design. They introduced themself as a former Belgian territory[44].


Ethiopia was first mentioned in a 2006 footnote to Kitty Festival as someone Himaruya wanted to design someday[79]. In a character profile for Italy he was mentioned as having fought with him[45]. In October and November of 2006, Himaruya again said that Ethiopia was a character he wanted to design at some point[52][25]. In January of 2007, Himaruya mentioned that he wanted Ethiopia to appear in the upcoming demo for the Gakuen Hetalia game but was unsure if this was possible[46]. He was finally introduced, with no design, in the demo, as a part of the Africa class of W Academy with Seychelles. In his appearance, Ethiopia was referred to as male and is teased by his classmates for being reluctant to admit that he was at one point being occupied by Italy[44].


Ghana has no confirmed gender and has only been shown as a "chibi" head illustration in the incomplete demo for the Gakuen Hetalia game as a part of the Africa class of W Academy with Seychelles. They are depicted with brown skin and long dark blonde hair styled in dreadlocks and introduce themself as a former English territory. In the demo, Ghana correctly guesses that Seychelles' coat of arms has something to do with the ocean[44].


Guinea-Bissau appeared in the incomplete demo for the Gakuen Hetalia game as a part of the Africa class of W Academy with Seychelles, but they have no design. In the game, they introduce themself after Cabinda as another former Portuguese territory[44].


Kenya is female and was first seen as a "chibi" head illustration in the incomplete demo for the Gakuen Hetalia game as a part of the Africa class of W Academy with Seychelles. She has brown skin and brown hair styled into dreadlocks pulled into a ponytail. She introduces herself as a former English territory, and later asked Seychelles about her coat of arms, leading to Seychelles becoming humiliated as the entire class laughs at its strange design[44]. In the demo she also said her favorite food is nyama choma (the national dish of Kenya). In design drafts for the women's school uniform of the Africa class, a character strongly resembling Kenya is used, though it should be noted that Himaruya frequently uses stand-in designs in these drafts, so this may be a coincidence[80].


Libya was first mentioned in a 2006 footnote to Cat Festival, where Himaruya stated that they were a character he wanted to design someday[79]. He reiterated this in blog entries in October and November of 2006[52][25]. Himaruya also mentioned in a January 2007 blog post that he wanted Libya to appear in the upcoming demo for the Gakuen Hetalia game, but was unsure if this was possible[46]. Ultimately, they did not appear in the demo.


Madagascar was mentioned by Seychelles in the The Pearl of the Indian Ocean comic from the Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 6 manga as the only other nation she was able to talk about her animals with at meetings. While many fans speculate that the unidentified girl Seychelles was was talking to (presumed by many to be another African nation) in this comic was in fact Madagascar, Madagascar was mentioned in the third person (though using third person is a somewhat common speech quirk in the Japanese language). This unidentified girl was also rather excited to see the ocean, which would be unlikely for an island nation[81].


Sahara appeared in the incomplete demo for the Gakuen Hetalia game as a part of the Africa class of W Academy with Seychelles but they have no design. In the game, they introduce themselves as former Spanish territory[44]. It is likely that they are mean to represent Western Sahara, rather than simply "Sahara", but it is unknown for certain.

South Africa


The possible South Africa design with a meerkat[82]

In response to a 2011 fan question following the debut of Cameroon asking which other African countries Himaruya had considered adding and which he had interest in, Himaruya responded that he loved South Africa[83]. Also in 2011, Himaruya posted a sketch (titled suricate, another name for meerkats) of a male character interacting with a meerkat, which are native to southern Africa. While he went unidentified, it is possible he was intended to be a personification of South Africa, given the range of meerkats. Based on this, other possibilities include Angola and Namibia. However, it is also possible that the character shown was not a personification[82].


South Africa as they appeared in the 420th chapter of Hetalia: World☆Stars[84]

South Africa was identified by name and shown as a "chibi" head in Chapter 420 of Hetalia: World☆Stars. Anticipating Brexit, the UK had been focusing on negotiating new distribution routes to non-EU nations. Wales mentions that South Africa, along with Singapore, will be their focus, and then expanding the market to the neighboring nations. Because South Africa was only shown as an uncolored "chibi" head, all that is known of their design is that they have short, dark hair[84]. Their skin, eye, and hair colors are all unknown, as is their gender and other design elements. The "chibi" head was too small to tell if it resembled the unidentified man with the meerkat.


Uganda is male and has only been shown as a "chibi" head illustration in the incomplete demo for the Gakuen Hetalia game as a part of the Africa class of W Academy with Seychelles. He is depicted with brown skin and a shaved head, and introduces himself as a former English territory. After Seychelles shows her bizarre coat of arms, he winds up having to be carried off on a stretcher by medics after laughing too hard[44]. At one point before that, he also said he takes his name from the former Kingdom of Buganda.


Zimbabwe has no confirmed gender and was first seen as a "chibi" head illustration in the incomplete demo for the Gakuen Hetalia game as a part of the Africa class of W Academy with Seychelles. They are depicted with brown skin, green eyes, and very short dark hair. They introduce themself as a former English territory, and enthusiastically ask to see Seychelles' national coat of arms after Kenya brings up the subject, causing Seychelles to be humiliated as the class laughs at it[44]. Many fans believe the character to be female, likely due to their strong resemblance to a character appearing in design drafts for the Africa class women's school uniform (though it should be noted that stand-in designs are also frequently used in these drafts, so this may be a coincidence)[80].

Zimbabwe has not appeared in the manga yet, but a club named "Extreme Zimbabwe" exists in Gakuen Hetalia and is listed on a blackboard among other clubs in the "Carry On, Newspaper Club!"strip[85].

Unidentified Nations


Seychelles' unnamed friend[81]

Unknown female nation, blog

Possibly Seychelles' friend[86]

In the The Pearl of the Indian Ocean comic from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 6, a friend of Seychelles visits from Africa. She is never named in the story, though she is very vocally jealous of Seychelles' ocean, which could imply that she may be the representation of a landlocked country. She is taller than Seychelles with approximately the same skin tone, and with her hair tied back in a ponytail[81]. This same nation is possibly depicted as a "chibi" in a 2014 blog post from Himaruya because she has the exact same hairstyle, but it is unknown for certain. In this sketch she is wearing what looks like khaki shirt and shorts and has an unidentified animal on top of her head[86]. A similar looking character appears again next to Seychelles during the Halloween 2013/14 event[11].

In "Lithuania's Out-Sourcing Part 3 (The Great Depression)", France is seen asking an unidentified nation, who was one his colonies at the time, for money after the start of the Great Depression. It is unclear whether the nation in question is from Africa, but it is likely given that in the same image, England is shown speaking to Egypt and Seychelles[87].

The Americas

Many of the characters in this section have only been mentioned by other characters or by Himaruya as characters he would like to design but hasn't yet, or they have had very brief appearances but no further development.


When asked about why he hadn't made Argentina yet, Himaruya responded that he has always wanted Latin American countries to appear, and that Argentina was a distinct country that would be easily made into a character[88].


In a blogpost from January 2011, following an illustration about the French apparently being the most pessimistic people in the world according to a recent public opinion poll, Himaruya said as an afterthought that Brazil (along with India and China) would be more optimistic. He said they would have a "this year seems like it will be very prosperous!" sort of mindset[89]. Later that year, when asked about why he hadn't made Brazil yet, Himaruya responded that he has always wanted Latin American countries to appear, and that Brazil was a distinct country that would be easily made into a character[88].



Ecuador as he appears in the Bamboo Thicket Blog[90]

Ecuador is the first South American country to receive a design. During the Halloween 2013 event, Himaruya posted some drawings on his blog with the message "Ecuador. I wonder if he'd be like this. I want to make an alpaca set with the South American countries that have a lot of alpacas!" Ecuador is depicted as an animal-loving country who owns many alpacas. He has brown hair and eyes, and was wearing a hat, poncho and what looks to be a bolo tie in one of the sketches[90].

Ecuador has appeared in one chapter of the manga, Chapter 49 of Hetalia: World☆Stars. At the beginning this chapter he is seen grinning while watching multiple other unidentified (presumably Latin American) nations loudly argue[91]. This comic was adapted into the first episode of of the Hetalia: World☆Stars anime (season 7), but these unnamed characters and Ecuador were replaced by England, Canada, France, and America.


A character who is nonchalantly mentioned by Estonia in the first episode of season one of the anime when he said to Russia, "You're so tough, next you'll try to pick a fight with Haiti". This line is only in the English dub, and this character has never been mentioned by Himaruya or seen in the anime or manga[92].


Mexico has no official design, but is briefly mentioned in the drama CD adaptation of Lithuania's Out-Sourcing, in which America is running late to a meeting with the nation and expresses that, because it is with Mexico, he wants to wear a "casual" tie[93]. Mexico is also mentioned in the America and the World Map strip, where America explains to England why Mexico on his map is "half-assed", stating that "It's because of my grudge over the Alamo"[94]. Mexico's name later was seen in the 2010 Christmas event on a list kept by Sealand of the nations who do not have the mark the Parallel Nations are seeking[51]. When asked in 2011 about why he hadn't made Mexico yet, Himaruya responded that he has always wanted Latin American countries to appear, and that Mexico was a distinct country that would be easily made into a character[88]. On the last page of Mr. Canada and His Neighbors from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 6, Mexico was mentioned by Canada as trying to raise public safety standards with a Facebook poll[95]. This comic was later adapted into the The World Twinkle episode of the same name.


Paraguay has no design, but was mentioned in a FIFA 2010 sketch showing Germany frustratedly manhandling Italy and Romano and taking them somewhere. Italy tells Germany that Germany is wrong about something and that they didn't go and watch soccer (football). Romano agrees and said that they went to go see Paraguay[96].

States and Provinces



Québec's brief appearance[97]

Québec has only appeared once, in the comic Fly, Mr. Canada, Fly! during Canada's nightmare. He is depicted with hair a bit similar to Canada's, but with a thicker ahoge at the front without a curl. As he only was seen as a chibi cameo, nothing else is known about his appearance. In the dream, English speakers and French speakers began to fight over whether the Canadian national anthem sounds better in English or French. The comic then stated that from the dispute, Québec emerged as an independent country. In addition, the wording of the narration when he emerges as a new country makes it unclear as to whether this was the character's birth or the character's independence with him having existed prior to the hypothetical event of the nightmare. It is likely, however, that he did exist prior, as many other states and provinces exist within Hetalia. In a note following the comic, Himaruya mentioned that there was once a huge ruckus about independence for Québec, but 50.6% of the votes were for no and so an independent Québecois state is still only a thought[97].

American States

Thus far, no American states have received designs. A handful were mentioned and given a quote by Himaruya in a response to a fan asking about American states and what relationship they have with America. New York was quoted with "I'm the center of America, right?", Washington was quoted with "I'm not boring. I'm just earnest and humble.", Massachusetts was quoted with "My place is the prettiest~" (though the word used could also mean cleanest or nicest), the West Coast as a whole were quoted with "What!?" in response to Massachusetts, Texas was quoted with "Yeehaw!!", and Alaska was quoted with "...Everyone looks like they're having fun."[98]



A micronation that was briefly name-dropped by Ladonia in Chapter 496 of Hetalia: World☆Stars. Nothing is known about the character other than that they attended the 2023 MicroCon, and have onions as their origin. Kugelmugel remarked that the name sounds beautiful[31].

Unidentified Nations


Ecuador and three presumably Latin American countries in the 49th chapter of Hetalia: World☆Stars[91]

In Chapter 49 of Hetalia: World☆Stars, Ecuador appears accompanied by at least three other nations who are most likely other Latin/South American countries. One of them has short hair pushed off their face by a headband. One has longer hair with bangs. Another in the background has very little detail other than having dark hair. It is unknown who any of these characters are intended to be[91]. This comic was adapted into the first episode of the Hetalia: World☆Stars anime season, but these unnamed characters were replaced with England, Canada, and France.




Tonga in the Halloween 2011 event

Tonga made a brief appearance during the Halloween 2011 event and Part 2 of the Halloween Overflow for that year. Tonga is wearing a sheep costume for Halloween, and matching with Australia and New Zealand. The trio were apparently having a "blood feud" about who looked the most sheep-like. Seen only from behind, Tonga has short, dark hair and has no confirmed gender (but is usually assumed to be male by fans)[99].

Ancient Nations

Many of the characters in this section have only been mentioned by other characters or by Himaruya as characters he would like to design but hasn't yet, or they have had very brief appearances but no further development.


The mother of England, briefly mentioned in a 2011 blog post. In an answer to a fan who was looking to know more about England's mother and if she was a tsundere like him, he said that yes, historically Ancient Britannia was without a doubt a tsundere[100]. It is possible that she is likely also the mother of Scotland and Wales, and potentially Ireland and Northern Ireland as well.

Byzantine Empire

Greece's mother was referred to both as Ancient Greece and as Byzantine in Axis Powers Hetalia: The CD, an independently-produced CD scripted by Himaruya that was produced in 2007 but not released until September of 2008. In the last track of the CD, it is said that Turkey (as the Ottoman Empire) thought she was a beautiful woman he wanted to woo (and that he thought Greece was the opposite) before conquering the empire[101]. In all other circumstances, Greece's mother has been referred to only as Ancient Greece, so it is uncertain whether she did become the Byzantine Empire or not.

It should also be noted that the term "Byzantine Empire" was only coined after the empire fell, and that while it was existent it was referred to simply as the Roman Empire. When Rome fell in 476, only the western part of the empire fell into disarray, and the eastern part continued to thrive and continue on. The people of the empire still referred to themselves as Romans, though the culture was much more Greek than the "western" Roman Empire[102]. Therefore, it is just as likely that Rome himself may represented it, as the country and the people were still Roman. The circumstances of when and how Rome died are left very vague, and the idea that he lived far beyond the collapse of the western half of the empire is hinted at the beginning of Chibitalia, where it is said that Italy Veneziano lived in the Roman Empire with many other countries but one day Rome took him and left[103].

Rome and Ancient Greece may have represented the Byzantine Empire together, as it was the Roman Empire but culturally more Greek, and Greece himself was born sometime during this era. This has not been confirmed and is only speculation, but this is a more likely scenario than the Byzantine Empire being its own character.


Carthage is mentioned as one of Rome's rivals. When giving a brief history lesson about himself to Germany, Rome said that one thing he did to gain power was beat up and defeat Carthage[104]. Carthage is also mentioned again briefly in a blog post from 2014, where Himaruya's version of Emperor Claudius is depicted asking Rome to tell him more about Mr. Carthage[105].

Carthage, blog

The suspected Carthage design[106]

On Himaruya's blog, a series of ancient chibis were posted together, including Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, Achaemenid era Persia, and a man that is likely intended to Carthage based on his clothing and weaponry. In this drawing, the chibi is wearing a cloak and what appears to be linothorax armor and holding an aspis shield and a short spear. This character potentially could be one of the Greek city states, however this seems unlikely, as the file name "kaatyantootyan" roughly translates to "mommies daddies", and if there were Greek state characters, they would likely not be parents[106]. This chibi's clothing and weapons also seems to vaguely resembles Gothic clothing and weaponry, however it is unlikely that is what he is because the rest of the nations pictured with him are from the eastern Mediterranean and a much earlier time period than the Goths.

Frankish Kingdom

When asked whether the Kingdom of the Franks/Francia, prior to its dissolution into three separate kingdoms, would've been France as a child or a separate character, Himaruya responded that he couldn't decide whether or not to have the Kingdom of the Franks appear as a separate character. He did say that if he did include Francia, they would be a parent figure to France[107]. However, it seems more likely that Francia, and specifically West Francia, was in fact France as a child.


A relative of Hungary mentioned in Magyar's character profile in 2008 as his sibling, which would make Hun Hungary's aunt or uncle[107]. Interestingly, in the 2007 unfinished script for Gakuen Hetalia, Hungary said that Hun was sort of a parental figure to her and that it was Hun, rather than Magyar, who raised her. Hungary also described Hun as having been a strict person who only taught her how to fight[44].


Magyar was a male relative of Hungary's, most likely her father. It was mentioned in his character profile from 2008 that was the one who trained Hungary in combat when she was younger, which lead to her imitating his masculine speech patterns and fighting style. He was also described a man with a somewhat eastern atmosphere who hates Byzantine, and Himaruya wrote that according to legends, he and Hun were siblings, but the details are unknown[107]. He was briefly mentioned again in a later blog post as being the one who taught Hungary[47]. In the 2007 unfinished script for Gakuen Hetalia, it was said that Hun was Hungary's parent rather than Magyar[44].


Pontus chibi head

Pontus as she appears in Chapter 21 of Hetalia: World☆Stars[108]

Pontus has appeared only as a chibi head in Chapter 21 of Hetalia: World☆Stars where Rome listed her as being a cute girl alongside Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt[108]. Being located on the southern shore of the Black Sea and Anatolia, it is likely she was at least acquaintances with other Mediterranean nations. As she has only appeared once very briefly, the extent of her relationships with is unknown. However, historically speaking she would have likely been on good terms with Persia. Additionally, Pontus was a Hellenistic kingdom, so it is possible she is in some way related to or at least friends with Ancient Greece.

Three Kingdoms

In response to a fan asking if during China's Three Kingdoms Period the three kingdoms, Wei, Wu, and Shu, would have all been living together in China's house, Himaruya replied that that would be very chaotic but also sounded interesting. He went on to say that it seemed to him that Wei and the others would have "fierce personalities"[109]


Clip Studio Paint

A character who briefly appeared in a blog post where Himaruya was responding so some questions about the Clip Studio Paint drawing software. He followed up this information with a drawing of what he thought it would be like if personified[98]. However, it is probably unlikely this character would actually exist in the Hetalia universe, it was just something Himaruya wanted to draw.

Green Dam Youth Escort

A personified version of the Green Dam Youth Escort censorship software appeared briefly in a blog post and was depicted as a girl in a uniform with her hair in pigtails[110].

Mr. Newspaper

Mr Newspaper

An Austrian Mr. Newspaper[111]

The name for a character that is made to represent a country's newspapers. Each country seems to have their own individual versions, and it is noted that they are always big megalomaniacs. The first notable appearance of one is in Comic Diary 9 during Austria's presidential elections. He appears as a freckled man in a newsboy cap and breaks the news that one of the candidates had been an officer in the German army during World War II. An omake illustration of this comic depicts six different "Mr. Newspapers", though it was not stated which country each was for[112].

A later blog post included a full color chibi illustration of the same Austrian Mr. Newspaper who appeared in Comic Diary 9. Here, he has freckles, reddish brown hair, brown eyes, green pants, a white shirt, a brownish red jacket, and is wearing a tan newsboy cap. He is stated to be only "one of" the Mr. Newspapers from Austria, implying that there are likely more than one pertaining to each country. Himaruya notes in this post that Mr. Newspapers exist all over the world and travel around the world to break news and that most are busy but there are also easygoing ones like school class Mr. Newspapers. It is also said that some Mr. Newspapers have incredible powers, others are sad because they cannot freely write, and others live in the countryside[111].

Parallel Nations

During the 2010 Christmas event, a world parallel to the canon Hetalia universe was introduced. This world is similar to the main universe, however all of the nations are semi-feline (as they bear cat ears and tails), don't wear clothes, lack accessories such as glasses, and have other subtle differences in appearance. These characters' personalities differ from their counterparts' as well, and they also appear to have some sort of magical powers that their Earthen selves do not. In this world there are 123 Frances, each individually named by number. The one which was seen most was 23, or ni-san (a pun on nii-san, which is big brother in Japanese and what canon France wants to be called). Parallel America and Parallel Spain also appear in the event[113].


A middle-aged man in a Hello Kitty knockoff costume who has only been shown out of his mascot suit twice so far[114][115]. In most of his appearances he is with China, though he has not appeared in official content in many years. His name comes from Shina, an older derogarory term used for China by the Japanese. In his anime appearances, he was voiced by Hozumi Gōda. In the Chinese fandom, he is known as Gitty-chan.

Military Machinery

In a blog post Himaruya also designed and provided information about various personified tanks. Most of them are Italian tanks, but there are also some British tanks and planes[116]. A later post depicts some of the tanks with North Italy[117].

He has also personified the Italian battleship Littorio, who is depicted as a girl with blue eyes, orange hair worn in pigtails, and blue and white clothes. She is described as clumsy girl who likes to think she's smaller than she is so she wears tighter clothes[38]. She is always hungry and can never realize her true power because of that, and she also does not train her lower body and has many weak points[118].

It is unclear whether these characters would truly exist in Hetalia Universe or whether they were just designed for the purpose of providing information about the various machines.

United Nations

An old man who appears briefly in Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 2 telling Japan to pay fees[119], and he also appears in the anime adaption of this comic. It is unknown whether he was intended to be a personification of the United Nations or simply a person who works there.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 9, 2008. "ヘタリア簡易キャラ紹介 [Hetalia Simple Character Introduction]". English.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. October 25, 2008. "表情集 [Collection of facial expressions]". Japanese. English.
  3. Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 12, 2013. "ワイ公国ちゃんとゆかいなお兄さん [Principality of Wy and pleasant Big Brother]". Japanese. English.
  4. Himaruya, Hidekaz. July 11, 2008. "ブライアンデネヒーとゆかいな仲間たち [Brian Dennehy and his merry friends]". Japanese. English.
  5. Himaruya, Hidekaz. May 10, 2008. "タイトル忘れてた [I forgot the title]". Japanese. English.
  6. Himaruya, Hidekaz. June 25, 2008. "ちび分 [Chibibun]". Japanese. English.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. December 21, 2011. "EUとトルコさん [Mr. Turkey and the EU]". Japanese. English.
  8. Himaruya, Hidekaz. December 18, 2011. "来月号の [Next Month’s Issues]". Japanese. English.
  9. Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 12, 2011. "ワイ公国ちゃんとゆかいなお兄さん [Principality of Wy and pleasant Big Brother]". Japanese. English.
  10. Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 2–3, 2013. "ハロウィーン漫画 [2013 Halloween Comic]". Page 2. Japanese. English.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. December 7, 2013–January 7, 2015. "ハロウィーン漫画 [2013 Halloween Comic]". Page 7. Japanese. English.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 4, 2013. "ちょっと補足 [Just a little supplement]". Japanese. English.
  13. 13.0 13.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. October 3, 2011. "hare hare MABUSHIT". Japanese. English.
  14. Himaruya, Hidekaz. October 17, 2011. "ふぃー!! [Siiigh!!]". Japanese. English.
  15. Himaruya, Hidekaz. April 13, 2011. "パルパルチョンチャ ← 韓国の戦車 [Paruparu jeon-cha ← South Korean Tank]". Japanese. English.
  16. Himaruya, Hidekaz. December 19, 2011. "ねらわれる [Being targeted]". Japanese. English.
  17. Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 25, 2014. "暖かい土地が恋しい [I miss warm places]". Japanese. English.
  18. 18.0 18.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. January 18, 2015. "騎士団領けっこうありますね。 [There are quite a few different states of the order]". Japanese. English.
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 16, 2014. "学生で学べない!東欧の近代 [The students that can’t study! Present day Eastern Europe]". Japanese. English.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. May 15, 2009. "CDいただきました。 [I recieved some CDs]". Japanese. English.
  21. 21.0 21.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. June 24, 2008. "山場は今週。 [This Week is the Climax.]". Japanese. English.
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Himaruya, Hidekaz. June 4, 2008. "かぼちゃ [pumpkin]". Japanese. English.
  23. Himaruya, Hidekaz. March 6, 2007. "Country: Switzerland (Original Webcomic/Volume 1 Bio)". Japanese. English.
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 Himaruya, Hidekaz. December 22, 2014. "[27話]ヘタリア World☆Stars [[Chapter 27] Hetalia: World☆Stars]". Japanese. English.
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 2006. Old Blog, 2006/11. Japanese. English.
  26. Himaruya, Hidekaz. May 31, 2008. "終わったー [It's finished]". Japanese. English.
  27. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%85land
  28. 28.0 28.1 https://www.animatetimes.com/news/details.php?id=1436427929
  29. Himaruya, Hidekaz. March 21, 2024. "[516話]ヘタリア World☆Stars [[Chapter 516] Hetalia: World☆Stars]". Japanese. English.
  30. 30.0 30.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. August 31, 2010. "おそうじプロイセンさん [Osōji[Cleaning] Prussia] ", Germany Scenario. English.
  31. 31.0 31.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. October 10, 2023. "[496話]ヘタリア World☆Stars [[Chapter 496] Hetalia: World☆Stars]". Japanese. English.
  32. Himaruya, Hidekaz. February 21, 2015. "ぶるがりあさん!? [Mr. Bulgaria!?]". Japanese. English.
  33. Himaruya, Hidekaz. September 28, 2014. "らきがく [Sketches]". Japanese. English.
  34. "Episode 83". Hetalia, season 4, episode 7, Studio Deen, October 22, 2010.
  35. 35.0 35.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. May 20, 2010. "はじめてのポーランドルール発動! [The First Time the Poland Rule Was Used!]" Axis Powers ヘタリア 3 [Hetalia: Axis Powers 3]. Page 95. Gentosha. ISBN: 978-4-3448-1938-2(JPN), 978-1-4278-5649-4(ENG). English.
  36. Himaruya, Hidekaz. May 20, 2010. "タタールのくびき [The Yoke of the Tatars]" Axis Powers ヘタリア 3 [Hetalia: Axis Powers 3]. Pages 88–90. Gentosha. ISBN: 978-4-3448-1938-2(JPN), 978-1-4278-5649-4(ENG). English.
  37. Himaruya, Hidekaz. May 20, 2010. "ポーランドに振り回されながら東欧しっ! [Eastern Europe While Totally Being Pushed Around by Poland!]" Axis Powers ヘタリア 3 [Hetalia: Axis Powers 3]. Page 93. Gentosha. ISBN: 978-4-3448-1938-2(JPN), 978-1-4278-5649-4(ENG). English.
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 Himaruya, Hidekaz. January 12, 2015. "シーランド君と [Sealand and]". Japanese. English.
  39. 39.0 39.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. October 30, 2014. "おしらせ [Announcement]". Japanese. English.
  40. Himaruya, Hidekaz. October 31, 2011. "ヘタリアファンタジア3 [Hetalia Fantasia 3]". Japanese. English.
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 Himaruya, Hidekaz. July 23, 2006. "ちっちゃい中国と日本の話 [The Story about the Early Days of China and Japan]". Japanese. English.
  42. 42.0 42.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. January 8, 2007. "なんかアジアンな落書き [Asian Scribbles or Something]". Japanese. English.
  43. Himaruya, Hidekaz. June 30, 2011. "ロシアとおともだち [Russia and Friends]" Axis Powers ヘタリア 4 [Hetalia: Axis Powers 4]. Pages 70–71. Gentosha. ISBN: 978-4-3448-2233-7(JPN), 978-1-5703-2150-4(ENG). English.
  44. 44.00 44.01 44.02 44.03 44.04 44.05 44.06 44.07 44.08 44.09 44.10 44.11 44.12 Himaruya Hidekaz. March 7, 2007. "学園ヘタリア台本 [Gakuen Hetalia Script]". Japanese. English.
  45. 45.0 45.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. January 19, 2008. "どうでもいい設定集 [Collection of Trivial Character Facts]". Japanese. English.
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 Himaruya, Hidekaz. January 2007. Old Blog, 2007/01. Japanese. English.
  47. 47.0 47.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. September 22, 2008. "3ページめ進みました! [We've progressed to page 3!]". Japanese. English.
  48. Himaruya Hidekaz. "お返事 [Replies]". Japanese.
  49. Himaruya, Hidekaz. May 28, 2008. "ホルヘルイスボルヘスの時代だぜ! [It is the time of Jorge Luis Borges!]". Japanese. English.
  50. Himaruya, Hidekaz. August 16, 2008. "何でお前ブルマはかないん? [Why aren’t you wearing bloomers?]". Japanese. English.
  51. 51.0 51.1 51.2 Himaruya, Hidekaz. December 30–31, 2010. "ねこちゃんとクリスマス!クリスマス2010-2011 [Cats and Christmas! Christmas 2010-2011]". Page 9. Japanese. English
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 Himaruya, Hidekaz. October, 2006. Old Blog, 2006/10. Japanese. English.
  53. Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 30, 2011. "お返事! [Replies]". Japanese. English.
  54. Himaruya, Hidekaz. June 6, 2008. "あんまりこない質問もとめ [Summary of the remainder of the questions inside]". Japanese. English.
  55. Himaruya, Hidekaz. August 22, 2010. "ウサギ三郎さん [Mr. Usagijirou]". Japanese. English.
  56. Himaruya, Hidekaz. July 17, 2015. "[84話]ヘタリア World☆Stars [[Chapter 84] Hetalia: World☆Stars]". Japanese. English.
  57. Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 29, 2011. "少しお返事 [A few replies]". Japanese. English.
  58. Himaruya, Hidekaz. January 1, 2011. "あけましておめでとうございます! [Happy New Years!]". Japanese. English.
  59. Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 2, 2011. "2011 ハロウィーン漫画 [2011 Halloween Comic]". Page 2. Japanese. English.
  60. Hetalia Fantasia 2 - Track 04 “第三章 珍しい三人と商売上手 [Chapter Three – An Unusual Trio and The Skillful Tradesman]”. December 10, 2010. English translation.
  61. Himaruya, Hidekaz. July 30, 2012. "君子は器ならず [A Wise Man has No Specialty]" Axis Powers ヘタリア 5 [Hetalia: Axis Powers 5]. Page 70. Gentosha. ISBN: 978-4-344-82563-5(JPN), 978-1-5703-2151-1(ENG). English.
  62. Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 17, 2011. "ふぃー!! [Siiigh!!]". Japanese. English.
  63. 63.00 63.01 63.02 63.03 63.04 63.05 63.06 63.07 63.08 63.09 63.10 63.11 63.12 63.13 63.14 63.15 63.16 63.17 63.18 63.19 63.20 63.21 63.22 63.23 63.24 63.25 63.26 63.27 63.28 63.29 63.30 63.31 63.32 63.33 Himaruya, Hidekaz. March 1–July 9, 2011. "らくがき都道府県さん! [Japanese Prefecture Doodles!]". Japanese. English.
  64. Himaruya, Hidekaz. February 16, 2011. "ドイツ騎士団さんの期待の裏切らなさは異常 [The Teutonic Order’s faithful expectations were unusual]". Japanese. English.
  65. Himaruya, Hidekaz. February 14, 2011. "ふぐすまっ! [Fugusuma!]". Japanese. English.
  66. Himaruya, Hidekaz. May 16, 2024. "[520話]ヘタリア World☆Stars [[Chapter 520] Hetalia: World☆Stars]". Japanese. English.
  67. Himaruya, Hidekaz. April 5, 2011. "超次元シンデレラかんちゃん [Hyperdimensional Cinderella Kanchan]". Japanese. English.
  68. 68.0 68.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. June 30, 2011. "キューバさんのWBC [Cuba's WBC]" Axis Powers ヘタリア 4 [Hetalia: Axis Powers 4]. Page 116. Gentosha. ISBN: 978-4-3448-2233-7(JPN), 978-1-5703-2150-4(ENG). English.
  69. Himaruya, Hidekaz. February 20, 2011. "ギャラリーのような竹林: ミニキャラごちゃごちゃ [Bamboo Thicket Gallery: A Jumble of Mini Characters]". Japanese.
  70. Himaruya, Hidekaz. May 14, 2011. "仕事ちゅう! [Workchu!]". Japanese. English.
  71. 71.0 71.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. June 7, 2011. "アメメシ [Amerifood]". Japanese. English.
  72. 72.0 72.1 72.2 72.3 72.4 72.5 Himaruya, Hidekaz. February 24, 2011. "ちょっと間が空いてしまいましたね。 [A little bit of time has passed.]". Japanese. English.
  73. Himaruya, Hidekaz. October 31, 2013. "ヘタリア的コラム 〜世界のお仕事編〜 [Hetalia-like Column ~World (?) Cuisine~]". Axis Powers ヘタリア 6 [Hetalia: Axis Powers 6]. Page 54. Gentosha. ISBN: 978-4-344-82867-4(JPN), 978-1-570-32152-8(ENG). English.
  74. Himaruya, Hidekaz. September 21, 2011. "らきがき! [Sketches!]". Japanese. English.
  75. 75.0 75.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 30, 2006. "黒船キタヨー [Black Ships Have Come~]". Japanese. English.
  76. 76.0 76.1 76.2 76.3 76.4 Himaruya, Hidekaz. May 19, 2007. "「戦乱の世と尾張のうつけ」 [The World of War and the Fool of Owari]". Japanese. English.
  77. Himaruya, Hidekaz. December 8, 2014. "ICカード! [IC card!]". Japanese. English.
  78. Himaruya, Hidekaz. August 1, 2012. "お知らせ [News]". Japanese. English.
  79. 79.0 79.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 19, 2006. "「にゃんこ祭り」 [Cat Festival]". Japanese. English.
  80. 80.0 80.1 80.2 Himaruya, Hidekaz. September 5, 2007. "Gakuen Women’s Uniforms". English.
  81. 81.0 81.1 81.2 Himaruya, Hidekaz. October 31, 2013. "インド洋の真珠 [The Pearl of the Indian Ocean]". Axis Powers ヘタリア 6 [Hetalia: Axis Powers 6]. Pages 101–108. Gentosha. ISBN: 978-4-344-82867-4(JPN), 978-1-570-32152-8(ENG). 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 English.
  82. 82.0 82.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. June 21, 2011. "ミーアキャットさん [Mr. Meerkat]". Japanese. English.
  83. Himaruya, Hidekaz. February 9, 2011. "いつもお手紙やメールありがとうございます! [Thanks for the letters and e-mails!]". Japanese. English.
  84. 84.0 84.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. March 24, 2022. "[420話]ヘタリア World☆Stars [[Chapter 240] Hetalia: World☆Stars]". Japanese. English.
  85. Himaruya, Hidekaz. June 30, 2011. "学園ヘタリア 進め!新聞部!![Gakuen Hetalia: Go Forth! Newspaper Club!!]" Axis Powers ヘタリア 4 [Hetalia: Axis Powers 4]. Page 4. Gentosha. ISBN: 978-4-3448-2233-7(JPN), 978-1-5703-2150-4(ENG). English.
  86. 86.0 86.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 12, 2014. "リクエスト系 [Requests]". Japanese. English.
  87. Himaruya, Hidekaz. February 11, 2007. "出稼ぎリトアニア3(世界恐慌) [Nonlinear – Lithuania’s Out-Sourcing Part 3 (The Great Depression)]". Japanese. English.
  88. 88.0 88.1 88.2 Himaruya, Hidekaz. July 4, 2011. "4巻読んでくださってありがとうございます! [Thanks for reading the 4th volume!]". Japanese. English.
  89. Himaruya, Hidekaz. January 12, 2011. "デレボワイエ氏にフランス話聞きたい [I'd like to hear Mr. Delevoye talk about France]". Japanese. English.
  90. 90.0 90.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 14, 2013. "リクエスト55 [Request 55]". Japanese. English.
  91. 91.0 91.1 91.2 Himaruya, Hidekaz. March 16, 2015. "[49話]ヘタリア World☆Stars [[Chapter 49] Hetalia: World☆Stars]". Japanese. English.
  92. "Episode 01". Hetalia, season 1, episode 1, Funimation Dub, 2010.
  93. Hetalia Drama CD: Volume 1 – Track 04 “出稼ぎリトアニア [Lithuania’s Outsourcing]”. October 24, 2008. English translation.
  94. Himaruya, Hidekaz. January 6–30, 2007. "Comic Diary – Comic Diary Summary Part 2". English.
  95. Himaruya, Hidekaz. October 31, 2013. "カナダさんとお隣さん [Mr. Canada and His Neighbors]". Axis Powers ヘタリア 6 [Hetalia: Axis Powers 6]. Page 54. Gentosha. ISBN: 978-4-344-82867-4(JPN), 978-1-570-32152-8(ENG). English.
  96. Himaruya, Hidekaz. June 14, 2010. "サッカー好きすぎだろ! [I think I love football too much!]". Japanese. English.
  97. 97.0 97.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. January 26, 2008. "飛び越せ!カナダさん [Fly, Mr. Canada, Fly!]". Japanese. English.
  98. 98.0 98.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. January 10, 2015. "うさうさ [Rabbit rabbit]". Japanese. English.
  99. Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 4, 2011. "はみ出しハロウィーン② [Halloween Overflow ②]". Japanese. English.
  100. Himaruya, Hidekaz. September 21, 2011. "らきがき! [Sketches!]". Japanese. English.
  101. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFfUJbTLg8M
  102. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byzantine_Empire
  103. Himaruya, Hidekaz. August 20–November 26, 2006. "ちびたりあ [Chibitalia]". Japanese. English.
  104. Himaruya, Hidekaz. December 10, 2008. "ローマじいちゃんと [Together With Grandpa Rome]" Axis Powers ヘタリア 2 [Hetalia: Axis Powers 2]. Page 30. Gentosha. ISBN: 978-4-3448-1514-8(JPN), 978-1-4278-1887-4(ENG). English.
  105. Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 17, 2014. "スーさんとクラウディウスさんと [Su-san and Claudius and more]". Japanese. English.
  106. 106.0 106.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. October 16, 2013. "八重歯っ! [Double Tooth!]". Japanese. English.
  107. 107.0 107.1 107.2 Himaruya, Hidekaz. May 6, 2008. "おわんないぜ! [It’s not over yet!]". Japanese. English.
  108. 108.0 108.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. December 1, 2014. "[21話]ヘタリア World☆Stars [[Chapter 21] Hetalia: World☆Stars]". Japanese. English.
  109. Himaruya, Hidekaz. June 5, 2008. "えがった [It was drawn]". Japanese. English.
  110. Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 27, 2010. "検閲やめてある [Censorship has stopped]". Japanese. English.
  111. 111.0 111.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. January 21, 2011. "一発で誰だかわかったらヘタリア博士レベル。 [If you knew who that was at first glance, then you’re at professor-level in terms of Hetalia]". Japanese. English.
  112. Himaruya, Hidekaz. August 3 2007–April 9, 2008. "Comic Diary – Comic Diary Summary Part 9". Japanese. English.
  113. Himaruya, Hidekaz. December 25, 2010. "ねこちゃんとクリスマス!クリスマス2010-2011 [Cats and Christmas! Christmas 2010-2011]". Japanese. English.
  114. Himaruya, Hidekaz. October 29, 2011. "私がデザインしました [I designed this.]". Japanese. English.
  115. Himaruya, Hidekaz. November 13, 2013. "リクエスト50 [Request 50]". Japanese. English.
  116. Himaruya, Hidekaz. February 14, 2015. "イタリア軍の愉快な仲間達 [Happy Friends of the Italian Army]". Japanese. English.
  117. Himaruya, Hidekaz. March 9, 2015. "【リクエスト】戦車とイタリアと [[Request] The tanks and Italy and]". Japanese. English.
  118. Himaruya, Hidekaz. March 7, 2015. "【リクエスト】フル装備? [[Request] Fully equipped?]". Japanese. English.
  119. Himaruya, Hidekaz. April 13–August 19, 2008. "Comic Diary Summary - Part 10". Japanese. English.