Hetalia Archives

This is a list of the volumes and associated stories in the published version of Axis Powers Hetalia, by Hidekaz Himaruya.

Volume 1

Meeting Of The World

In this modern-day story, the nations meet to discuss solving the problems of the world, only for the meeting to quickly turn chaotic.


In the midst of WWI, the history of Ancient Rome is detailed, as Germany (searching to battle Rome's successor) finds an unusual crate in the forest. He takes Italy captive, but finds that the other man doesn't seem to mind it...

Axis Powers

Italy is sent back home after annoying Germany with a song he wrote, but later returns to work for Germany after his family becomes poor. The war between Germany and France causes Italy to declare himself Germany's ally.

After becoming allies, Germany and Italy meet Japan and form the Axis Powers. Other events include the introduction of Austria, who is not amused at the idea of Italy and Germany becoming allies, and the introduction of Italy's older brother Romano, who just plain hates Germany.

World's Sexy Leader 1

A strip reprinted from Comic Diary 8, featuring Greece, France,and England.

Shouting S.O.S From The Center Of The Earth!

Germany, Japan, and Italy are stranded on an island.

World's Sexy Leader 2

Another Comic Diary 8 strip, featuring England and Japan.

Power Ranger Allied Forces

The Allied Forces, lead by America, form to take down the Axis Powers in any way they can. Canada and the Baltics (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia) are also introduced in this chapter.

  • Though he was first said to have arrived on Earth in 1947 in the webcomic, Tony is retconned to have arrived in 1940 instead, and makes a brief appearance in this arc.

Snake Vs. Mongoose

After being defeated by Germany, England attempts to curse him with a black magic ritual, but is interrupted by America. England then tries to get revenge on America with the "Busby Stoop Chair", but Russia sits down on it instead (and causes it to explode as a result of his "evil" vibes).

  • The first portion, with England's defeat, is a reprint from Comic Diary 8. It was adapted into Episode 13 of the anime. The second portion (with Busby's chair) was adapted into Episode 26.

More Like Gamba Vs. Noroi

England attempts to summon the devil, but winds up with Russia instead. Russia insists that he too has a grudge, and manages to curse Japan with an illness simply by staring at him.

Magnificent Canada's Traveler's Journal

A strip featuring Canada and America.

One Day, I'll Be The King Of Adventure Too!

Another strip with Canada and America.

Ghost Hotel

Japan (secretly being followed by Russia), England, and America each stay the night at a hotel that used to be an old castle, as the ghost of its former occupant attempts to haunt each one of them.

Cleaning Out The Storage

America finds that cleaning out his storage room is more difficult than he thought, as past memories with England, good and bad, come back to haunt him.

The Long-Awaited Deep Emotion Is Ruined

America visits a deathly-ill England (whose Panjandrum weapon failed him), but ruins the dramatic moment in order to wake him back up.

German Simulator

In a simulation of everyday life, Germany experiences trouble in a supermarket line.

England, I Have Something To Tell You

Dream United Kingdom is reprinted in this chapter.


The Chibitalia arc from the webcomic is reprinted, but with an altered/edited ending, mainly to remove the kiss scene between Chibitalia and Holy Roman Empire. Other strips of the arc were either rearranged or left out altogether.

  • An additional strip was created for the published version, and acts as an "omake" to the ending: The younger Romano, who is off living with Spain, has difficulty with his movement and is revealed to have Chorea. Spain attempts to cure him by playing music for him and making him dance. Romano seems to recover, though it remains ambiguous as to if Spain's efforts were what helped him.

Recommend! Sealand!

The first part of It's Sealand-kun! is reprinted in this chapter, introducing Sealand to the published version of the manga.

Daybreak Chaos

Maria Theresa And The War Of Austrian Succession is reprinted in this chapter, introducing Prussia.

Aliens With Photoshop

A strip featuring America.

:) In The World

The Axis prepare to celebrate Christmas, but wind up ambushed by the Allies. Their fight is soon broken up by the appearance of Santa Claus (in actuality, Finland), who showers them with presents.

Preview: To The Unfinished Tomorrow

A preview of a currently unfinished storyline:

September 1st, 1939: Italy bids Germany good luck as both him and Austria prepare to go off to war. Elsewhere, Russia remarks that German people seem to be incredibly easily to manipulate, while France and England get word of Germany's plan and decide to declare war on him. The final panel is of the Polish flag, blowing in the wind.

  • Though the end of the preview reads "To be continued in Hetalia 2", no continuation of this storyline was given in the second volume, or anywhere else so far. It has been assumed that Gentosha editorial ordered the storyline postponed due to its implications, or that Hidekaz Himaruya has postponed it (or shelved it altogether) himself.
  • The timing of this story would indicate that the WWII storyline has officially started, with the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany. However, the bulk of the World War-era stories in Hetalia volume 1 would chronologically take place after this, as they appear to take place in 1940 (as opposed to the main storyline in the webcomic version, which currently takes place in 1939 before the invasion of Poland).

Volume 2

Academy Hetalia Christmas

A Christmas-themed chapter taking place in the Gakuen Hetalia universe: Germany, Italy, and Japan, three students at the Academy Of The World, go around and interview other students on how they celebrate their winter holiday.

Together With Grandpa Rome

The ghost of Ancient Rome visits Germany.

  • This strip was redrawn and slightly edited for this published volume, with the instance of Italy being naked at the end altered so that a blanket was further concealing his nudity.
  • An extra strip, featuring Rome and Germania, was added to the published version.
  • The final illustration, in which it is revealed that Rome tied up God to escape the afterlife, is not included in the reprint. A strip involving Rome making a nude sculpture of Germany was also removed from the reprint, and replaced with a strip of Rome detailing his history.
  • In the original webcomic version, Rome is shown briefly visiting a sleeping Romano in an omake illustration.

Greece And Japan's Loose Relations

Greece and Japan get to know each other as Turkey makes his debut in the published version.

Liechtenstein's Journal Of Swiss Dopiness

Another webcomic reprint, this chapter features Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

  • Only part 1 of the original webcomic Swiss Dopiness was reprinted in this volume, though it was extended with new scenes added to flesh out Liechtenstein's backstory.
  • A strip from Comic Diary 10, in which Liechtenstein finds that her national anthem has the same tune as England's, is also reprinted in this chapter.

Russia's Big And Little Sisters

The story of Russia's sisters, Belarus and Ukraine.

While Ukraine is unable to meet with her younger brother and is always in some sort of crisis, Belarus avidly stalks her older brother in hopes of getting him to marry her (which has caused HIM to have a sort of crisis).

Hello World! Hello Italy!

Germany goes sightseeing in the country of Italy.

Big Brother France And The Olympian Romance

France organizes a naked Olympics.

Japan And The Footsteps Of Westernization

Japan slowly becomes inspired by America.

America's Situation With Ghosts

America finds that his and Japan's views on ghosts are quite different.

Medieval England's Clothes And Hair

A young England attempts to grow out his hair, but is thwarted by France giving him a haircut.

The Battle For America

A young America is found by England, France, Sweden, and Finland, who battle over ownership of him.

Fly, Canada-san, Fly!

Canada has trouble with being mistaken for his older brother.

Ghost Culture Of England And Japan

England is able to see various mythical Japanese creatures, who are dying out due to the disappearance of belief in them by the Japanese.

Why Americans Love Spring

After the end of Christmas, Japan and America both prepare for the coming of spring in their own individual ways.

Wish Upon A Star

A redrawn version of the webcomic strip: Germany and Italy both make wishes on a star, but only one comes true.

Japan-kun and America-kun

A series of illustrations depicting the differences between America and Japan.
