Hetalia Wiki

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Hetalia Wiki

'Keikou Sakai(酒井 敬幸 Sakai Keikou) is a seiyū affiliated with 81produce. He voices Sweden, as well as provides additional voices, in the anime adaptation of Hetalia: Axis Powers, Hetalia: World Series, 'Hetalia: The Beautiful World, and Hetalia: The World Twinkle.

Other Roles[]

  • Gintama (Agomi)
  • Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor (Dyme)
  • Kaze no Stigma (Hellhound)
  • Megaman NT Warrior (Kingman)
  • Nabari no Ō (Kyuugorou Tanaka)
  • Sora Kake Girl (Doi)
  • Zenryoku Usagi (Sōchō)

External links[]
