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Hetalia Archives

Ireland (アイルランド) is a supporting character in the series Hetalia.


Ireland Chibi

A Chibi version of Ireland

Ireland is tall and has short, red hair. He has green eyes, though in his case, they could also be hazel. He doesn’t have the same thick eyebrows that all of the UK brothers have.


Ireland is friendly, chatty and loud. He has a mysterious old man by his side.


Northern Ireland[]

In the past, Northern Ireland was his partner and closest friend, and they were in an alliance against England, until Northern Ireland got closer to England some time during the Industrial revolution, after being drawn into the textiles industry of the United Kingdom. Ireland does want to have a proper talk with Northern Ireland one day, but has been procrastinating with this so far.


In the past, Ireland thought England was a weirdo and did not like him. Since Ireland is not part of the UK, he doesn’t live with him. In Hetalia World☆Stars - Chapter 476, it is mentioned that Ireland thinks of England as 'straight-laced', 'cosmopolitan', and that he 'likes his own culture'.


  • Many years prior to Ireland's debut, Hidekaz Himaruya had hinted an Ireland character had been in the works as early as 2011. Himaruya had designs for both a male and female Ireland, like he had with Portugal, and was said to have eyebrows like England's, but with a "different feel" to them. However, at the time, Himaruya mentioned that he had trouble creating an Ireland character due to the many images associated with the country.


  1. Whether or not Ireland is related to Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England has not been directly stated by Himaruya, but them being related would make sense and is a common fan interpretation.


  1. Himaruya, Hidekaz. February 2, 2022. "このあと24時にアイルランドさん回が更新されます!!('◇')ゞ [There will be an update later at midnight with Mr. Ireland!! (‘◇’)ゞ]". Japanese. English.
  2. Himaruya, Hidekaz. January 19, 2022. "UKブラザーズのカラーイラストです。背景も頑張りました [Here are color illustrations of the UK Brothers. I worked hard on the backgrounds too.]". Japanese. English.