Hetalia Wiki

Hello and welcome to the Hetalia wiki, the place for all things Hetalia! You may find that there are things that are out of date, but don't worry, we are currently trying our best to update and revamp! Additionally, some formatting unfortunately may not work on mobile: at the very bottom of the site there is a button, "View Full Site", which will allow the full formatting to be seen.


Hetalia Wiki

Hello, and welcome to the Hetapedia Frequently Asked Questions page!

The purpose of this page is to provide answers to common questions about the wiki itself or about Hetalia in general. We hope that any questions you may have will be answered here, but if you do not see an answer for your question please feel free to leave a message on an administrator's message board, on the discussion forum, or even in the comment section of an article.

General Wiki Questions[]

Our About page should be able to answer some of these questions in much more detail.

What is the Hetalia Wiki/Hetapedia?[]

The Hetalia Wiki, informally called Hetapedia, is an online encyclopedia dedicated to all things Hetalia! It includes information about everything within the Hetalia universe, all the various Hetalia medias, and behind-the-scenes details.

Who owns Hetapedia?[]

Hetapedia is hosted by Fandom.com, which receives profit from advertisements on its wikis and is responsible for technical issues on the site, but Hetapedia content is written by fans. Wiki content is not technically "owned" by any specific person, but edits are copyrighted by the users who made them.

Please visit the Copyright page of Fandom Community Central (here) to learn more about Fandom.com's copyright policies.

What is the history of the site?[]

This wiki site was originally created in 2009 by Icelilly back when Fandom.com was still called Wikia. This site was named "Hetalia Archives" and was run by the Hetalia Archives team, who are still currently associated with the Hetarchive.net site (and its associated social media accounts), the Hetascanlations tumblr account, and the current Hetalia Archives Wiki (also known as the Hetalia Kitawiki). However, the team departed from Wikia in 2010 and set up a different site (see their page here for more details on their history).

Since late 2010, the Hetalia Archives team and this site have severed all ties and are completely unaffiliated with each other. You may notice similarities or exact quotations on both wikis, which are a result of the move from Fandom to another site and the lack of updating this wiki received. In our effort to renovate and update this wiki we will be doing massive rewrites, which will remove those similarities and any perceived plagiarism.

There is not much information on the history of this wiki between its split from Hetalia Archives and our current team's takeover, but what is clear is that during this time there were not many active administrators or moderators. Throughout these years, the site grew to be extremely behind, was not as accurate at it should have been, and had vandalism issues. Notoriously so, with several fans encouraging use of the Hetalia Archives wiki instead because it was up to date and had less bias and vandalism.

However, this changed starting in January of 2023. Allegro31 made an account to try and fix vandalism on the site, and ensuing edit wars prompted her to search for the social media of any of the inactive admins, and when successful, ask for content moderator permissions because there were no active moderators. This was granted, and Allegro has been moderating the wiki ever since.

In August of 2023, MysticFantasy08 filed an adoption request with Fandom Staff to become an administrator and bureaucrat, which was then granted. MysticFantasy08 gave Allegro administrator privileges, and now they are the main team running the wiki currently and trying their best to update it.

Is this site affiliated with Hetalia Archives, Hetascanlations, and the Hetalia Kitawiki?[]

No. As stated in the above answer, the Hetalia Archives Wiki (the Kitawiki) did originate on Fandom.com (then called Wikia) in 2009, but it departed from Wikia in 2010 (see their page here for more details on this). This site has been unaffiliated with Hetalia Archives ever since.

We do, however, often use their translations and very much appreciate their hard work archiving Hetalia content and providing free translations (which are linked when they are used), but the admins of this site are not affiliated with anyone from Hetarchive. You may notice some similarities or exact quotations on both wikis, which are a result of the aforementioned move from Fandom to another site, the subsequent severing of official ties between the two wikis, and this site's lack of updating. In our effort to renovate and update this wiki, we are doing massive rewrites, which will remove those similarities and any perceived plagiarism.

Why is there so much outdated/missing information?[]

This wiki went largely unmoderated and without significant updates for several years, thus massive updates and revamps are needed and in progress. We are trying our best, but rewriting and overhauling everything is a very time consuming process, so please bear with us! And please do not hesitate to reach out if you notice anything that you feel should take precedence, or to get involved yourself with editing!

Why does (page name) not mention (specific historical/cultural thing)?[]

This wiki only includes things that have been shown, discussed, or implied either in official Hetalia content or by Himaruya himself. Whatever has been mentioned within Hetalia is (or will be) stated on the wiki. If a certain historical event or specific cultural reference is not mentioned, it is most likely because it has yet to be mentioned within Hetalia or because the page has not been updated yet. Additionally, Himaruya is only one, man and covering thousands of years of history and every aspect of culture for hundreds of countries is an impossible task. These are also Himaruya's characters and his series, and he chooses to include (or exclude) whatever he wants to when designing characters and writing stories. We cannot really provide an answer about why he makes these decisions, other than saying that he often makes comics about topics he finds interesting.

Why is (character)'s page not historically/culturally accurate?[]

We cannot really provide an answer to a question about Himaruya's character creation process for Hetalia. This wiki only includes things that have been shown, discussed, or implied either in official Hetalia content or by Himaruya himself. Whatever has been mentioned within Hetalia is (or will be) stated on the wiki. Additionally, Himaruya is only one, man and covering thousands of years of history and every aspect of culture for hundreds of countries is an impossible task. These are also Himaruya's characters and his series, and he chooses to include (or exclude) whatever he wants to when developing their personalities, appearance, etc.

All we can say is that some characters may be different to how you would imagine them potentially because of Himaruya's perspective as an outsider and having a different view on a country than someone from that place would, because research he has done or discussion with friends from those countries led him to making certain decisions, or even because that information simply has not been included yet.

As for historical figures, the Hetapedia articles about these people rely mainly, if not only, on their appearances and depiction within Hetalia. Some additional information that was not explicitly stated within Hetalia may be included in these pages, such as birth/death dates, years of reign, full names, etc. However, their pages primarily contain only information about their portrayal within Hetalia. Certain events they were involved in or aspects of their personalities are not included if they have not been mentioned in Hetalia.

What does it mean when art is marked as "official"?[]

On this wiki, "Official Art" refers to art that has been drawn by Himaruya. It should not be used for anime screenshots or promotional material, or anything other than art created by Himaruya.

Why does the formatting look off on certain parts of some articles?[]

If you are using Fandom.com on a mobile device, some formatting does not display the same way it is designed to on the desktop site. For example, infoboxes (particularly the way we have formatted to have multiple tabs of images) look significantly different on mobile, as does the main page. You can, however, switch to the desktop view by scrolling down to the very bottom of the site and clicking the button that says "View Full Site".

Why are there so many ads? Can you get rid of them/reduce the number?[]

We have unfortunately no control over the advertisements, how many there are, or their placement. This is controlled by Fandom, which which receives profit from these ads. The best solution for the ads is to either register an account (if you haven't already done so) and disable ads using Special:Preferences, or to use an adblocker (which is highly recommended).

Editing Questions[]

I want to help out! What can I do?[]

Hello! Thank you for wanting to help out! We welcome any and all help, just please make sure to check out our our Guidelines for specific editing rules and policies before getting started!

How do I do ____?[]

Fandom's Community Central site should be able to provide answers answers to any specific technical questions about editing. This site and its forum contain a wealth of resources and explanations on specific wiki features and how to use them. If you are new to wikis, please check out their tutorial and see Help:Contents to search for specific help pages.

Do I have to have an account to edit?[]

No. Many pages do not require a user to be logged in to edit them (and all pages can be viewed without an account). However, it is highly recommended to register an account and edit while logged in. When anonymous users make edits, their IP address is displayed, so being logged in is a more safe choice. Additionally, being logged in allows you to do more, for example uploading files, creating and renaming pages, and getting involved in the community by leaving comments or discussion posts.

Why can’t I edit certain pages?[]

Most pages are open to all users to edit. However, certain pages are under semi-protection or full protection due to repetitive vandalism, because they are high-trafficked pages, or to. Most pages are only protected against anonymous users or users with accounts younger than 4 days (semi-protected), but there are also some pages that are only able to be edited by administrators (fully protected) as a result of the aforementioned reasons.

Why were my edits undone/changed?[]

Your edits could have been unneeded, incorrect, already somewhere in the article, poorly written, or otherwise gone against our Guidelines. Do not just go revert your edit back, as that can cause an editing war, which is very disruptive, or even lead to you being temporary blocked from editing depending on how long it goes back and forth. Instead if the user who removed your edit did not leave a note on their edit and you would like to know the reason, you are more than welcome to ask them politely (via their message board or the article’s talk page) for their reasoning if you are unsure.

You may also want to refresh yourself with the Guidelines to ensure you did not accidentally break a rule.

Why was a page I created deleted?[]

Your page may have been unneeded, already existed somewhere on the wiki, poorly written, or otherwise gone against our Guidelines. If the administrator who removed your article did not leave a note on their edit and you would like to know the reason, you are more than welcome to ask them politely (via their message board or the article’s talk page) for their reasoning if you are unsure. You may also want to refresh yourself with the Guidelines to ensure you did not accidentally break a rule.

What does it mean when something is followed by a little number in brackets?[]

When you see something that looks like this: [1], that is a citation (also called a reference/source). These superscript numbers are scattered throughout the content of a wiki page and identify from what material the information in the sentence comes from, whether it is a manga chapter, a blog post, a page in a manga volume, or any other source. Clicking the number will jump down to the page's "References" list and highlight which specific item the citation referred to.

What does it mean when something is labeled with [Note #]?[]

Notes are extra information, explanation, or clarification about a particular thing on a page that would be out of place within the article itself. For example, the meaning of a character’s birthday, a note about a translation, or any other clarifying notes the editor felt should be added.

How do I create a citation/note?[]

There are a few ways that a citation (or a note) can be created, and Help:Cite provides detailed instructions on how to do this. "Notes" are just a named reference list and are created in the same way citations are.

Additionally, if there is not yet a heading for references or notes at the bottom of the page, you must first insert one using the following formatting:

<references group="Note" />


Whatever notes or citations you add will appear under these headings.

Please see our Guidelines for more information on how to use and format citations on this wiki. If creating a citation seems complicated or confusing, that's alright! Don't let it prevent you from adding a source; if you don't know how to format the citation, others will be able to fix it or answer any questions you have.

What does it mean when something is labeled with [citation needed]?[]

When a piece of information is labeled with [citation needed], this means the information is unsourced or questionable and adding a source is desired. It could also mean that citations haven’t been created for that article or part of an article yet, or the person who left it is leaving a placeholder to add a citation later. To add this label, type {{}} with the word "cite" between the braces. Adding this label to a page will add it to a dedicated category.

This may also be used as a placeholder when it is known that the statement is canon information (for example, Prussia’s name being Gilbert Beilschmidt), but that the exact place where Himaruya stated this information is lost, cannot be found, or is currently unknown by whoever added the [citation needed].

What is a namespace?[]

A namespace is a way of organizing content on a wiki. Pages with similar purposes are grouped together and can be searched and listed separately. This page, for example, is in the "Hetalia Wiki" namespace, which is used for meta pages about this wiki. Categories are in the "Category" namespace, Files are in the "File" namespace, and so on and so forth. The "Main" namespace is where all of the encyclopedic pages on this wiki are and does not need a prefix like pages in the other namespaces do. Please go to Fandom.com's Namespace page for more detail.

What does a red link mean?[]

When something has a red link, this means it is linked to a page that does not currently exist on the wiki. The page could have either never existed in the first place or was deleted. Red links are added as a placeholder to indicate that a page will be created soon or that an article should be created on that topic. Clicking a red link will prompt you to create the page.

What is a minor edit?[]

Some editors choose to mark some edits as "minor" in situations when the only things that are changed are correcting typos, fixing formatting, rearranging something, or are otherwise an edit that does not significantly change a page. Removing or adding content should not be marked as a minor edit. Marking an edit as minor is not at all required, but is a useful tool and helps moderators when they are patrolling edits.

How do I delete a page?[]

Only administrators can delete a page. If you accidentally or mistakenly created a page and would like it deleted, you may let the administrators know and they will delete it. If the issue is just the name of the page, you can instead use the "Move" function to rename the page, rather than ask for it to be deleted. Additionally, if you feel that a page does not belong here, you may bring that issue to an administrator as well.

Hetalia Questions[]

Main article: Hetalia

The article Hetalia should be able to answer most of these questions in much more detail.

What is Hetalia?[]

Hetalia is a manga series created by Hidekaz Himaruya that personifies the nations of the world into immortal anthropomorphic characters and presents an allegorical (and often satirical) interpretation of political, historical, and cultural events throughout history and the present day. Hetalia was originally a webcomic, but later became a serialized manga and has been adapted into an anime series and several stage musicals.

What media is Hetalia made up of?[]

Hetalia's "main" piece of media currently is the serialized manga, World☆Stars, which is published on Shōnen Jump+ and has several published volumes. Since 2020, Himaruya also uses his Twitter, @Hima_Kaz, to post extra comics and art. Himaruya's old blog, Bamboo Thicket, also contains a wealth of trivia, art, and comics. There is also the anime adaptation (which has seven seasons), many character songs and audio dramas released accompanying the anime, the original webcomic and manga (which has six published volumes), a few (mostly small or unfinished) video games, seven stage musicals (with another slated to release in 2025), and several supplemental books.

There's so much content! Where do I start?[]

You can start getting into Hetalia with whatever you would like! Many fans begin with the anime, though it is important to keep in mind that the anime is not considered canon. It is highly recommended to read the World☆Stars manga as well because it contains much more content and additional characters than the anime does.

What exactly is considered "canon"?[]

Main article: Canon

For the purposes of this wiki, the only things considered explicitly "canon" are Hetalia medias that have been drawn, written, or otherwise created by Hidekaz Himaruya, as he is the author of Hetalia. This includes the original webcomic and the manga, art and comments he has posted on his blog or Twitter, the Hetalia☆Collezione and certain other official books, and some other things. The main exceptions to this are: if a post/comic was deleted by Himaruya, if something (an event, personality trait, relationship, etc) has been retconned by a later piece of content, or if something has been changed or entirely dropped from a character.

The anime, its English dub, the video games, the stage musicals are not canon. Please see the main article for further explanations.

Where can I watch Hetalia?[]

Officially, Hetalia can mainly be watched on Crunchyroll (as of its 2024 merger with Funimation). There are certainly many other ways to watch it, but we will list those here.

Where can I read Hetalia?[]

The World☆Stars manga is published in Japanese on Shōnen Jump+ and several recent chapters can be read for free there, though reading older chapters requires payment. Himaruya's blog is also free to access, as is his Twitter.

The physical volumes of World☆Stars are available for purchase, although these have not been published in English (only Japanese and a few other languages). The six Hetalia: Axis Powers manga volumes have been published in English, but are somewhat difficult to find.

However, free translations have been done by Hetalia Archives and nearly every single piece of Hetalia content is available to read in English at Hetarchive.net and the Tumblr accounts Hetascanlations and Hetavols.

Why is (x country) not in Hetalia?[]

Please see previous answers to similar questions here and here.
